{"id":288,"date":"2021-11-18T17:05:59","date_gmt":"2021-11-18T17:05:59","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/english-grammar-lessons.com\/?p=288"},"modified":"2021-11-18T17:05:59","modified_gmt":"2021-11-18T17:05:59","slug":"the-truth-will-out-meaning","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/english-grammar-lessons.com\/the-truth-will-out-meaning\/","title":{"rendered":"The Truth Will Out - Meaning, Origin and Usage"},"content":{"rendered":"

Are you talking to your son about who broke the window with the baseball? If he starts lying to you and placing the blame with others, you'll probably catch on to the fact that he's not telling the truth. If that's the case, you could say to him, \"the truth will out<\/em><\/strong>.\"<\/p>\n

You'll be referring to an important life lesson for your son and one that many adults fail to learn in their life. This post gives you the origin and use-case examples of this idiomatic phrase.<\/p>\n

The Truth Will Out Meaning<\/h2>\n

\"The truth will out<\/em>\" means that you can't hide or run from the truth. Eventually, people will figure out what you did, and they'll expose your actions. This idiom is more of a life proverb, and it's a good lesson in honesty.<\/p>\n

We're sure that we've all had the experience of trying to keep a lie quiet. In most cases, that leads to creating more lies to cover up the old lies. As a result, you end up in a vicious cycle of lying, and people eventually figure out that you're lying about your actions.<\/p>\n

Therefore, this proverb is a wise saying that has much truth to it.<\/p>\n

The Truth Will Out Example Usage<\/h2>\n

\"Leon says he didn't do it, but we all know the truth will out<\/em> eventually.\"<\/p>\n

\"Was Leon or Mike responsible for the damage? I guess the truth will out<\/em>.\"<\/p>\n

\"The president said he didn't take a bribe, but the truth will out<\/em>.\"<\/p>\n

\"The companies are blaming each other for the accident, but the truth will out<\/em>.\"<\/p>\n

\"The families feel they didn't get justice, and the killer walked free. The truth will out<\/em> him eventually.\"<\/p>\n

The Truth Will Out Origin<\/h2>\n

\"The truth will out<\/em>\" is an old saying, and its undergone several transitions over the years to end up as a more relevant, modern term.<\/p>\n

Today, people are more inclined to say, \"The truth will come out<\/em>,\" or \"the truth will come to light<\/em>.\" However, most of the older Boomer and Gen X generations will get what you're saying if you use it in conversation.<\/p>\n

The earliest reference to the use of the idiomatic phrase<\/em> comes from Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice <\/em>in 1596. The play reads the following from the character of Launcelot.<\/p>\n

\"Nay, indeed, if you had your eyes, you might fail of the knowing me: it is a wise father that knows his own child. Well, old man, I will tell you news of your son: give me your blessing: truth will come to light; murder cannot be hid long; a man's son may, but at the length truth will out<\/em>.\"<\/p>\n