{"id":595,"date":"2021-12-20T23:17:15","date_gmt":"2021-12-20T23:17:15","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/english-grammar-lessons.com\/?p=595"},"modified":"2021-12-20T23:22:15","modified_gmt":"2021-12-20T23:22:15","slug":"soyface-meaning","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/english-grammar-lessons.com\/soyface-meaning\/","title":{"rendered":"Soyface - Meaning, Origin and Usage"},"content":{"rendered":"
Are you browsing through memes online? Take a look at the soyface<\/em> meme if you want to have a good laugh. The soyface mem is a staple across many forums, chats, and gaming sites.<\/p>\n This post unpacks everything you need to know about the meaning and origin of this idiom.<\/p>\n \"Soyface<\/em>\" is a relatively new term, being around for just over a decade online. The word's meaning refers to the expression made by men that have a characteristic lack of testosterone in their looks and attitude. A Soyboi <\/em>(soyboy) is a \"beta-male<\/em>\" that complies with whatever other people tell him. He may also start to complain and whine over small issues.<\/strong><\/p>\n The soyface<\/em> appears when these beta-males get excited and want to show their enthusiasm. It can also refer to a complaining face where the soyboy voices their concerns in a decidedly female manner.<\/p>\n Soy is a common protein replacement used by men that want to avoid eating meat. However, soy also contains estrogens that lead to the suppression of the male sex hormone testosterone. As a result, the males in the memes typically have thin, stringy beards, wear glasses, and lean faces.<\/p>\n \u201cLook at Ross, he\u2019s a champion trader, but he has that soyface<\/em> look to him.\u201d<\/p>\n \u201cThis beta was arguing with the checkout girl about the price increase in soymilk. He made such a soyface <\/em>when she told her that there was nothing she could do.\u201d<\/p>\n \u201cLook at that guy over there; he has a total soyface<\/em>.\u201d<\/p>\n \u201cSoyface<\/em> is such a stereotype, and there have to be thousands of them in modern society.\u201d<\/p>\n \u201cThat guy has such a soyface<\/em>; he\u2019s like a living meme.\u201d<\/p>\n The idiom \u201csoyface<\/em>\u201d first appeared in the online chat forum 4Chan back in 2010. Users would refer to the term when describing the open-mouth look of a \u201csoyboy<\/em>.\u201d The soyboy has many characteristics forming the stereotype. Typically, they wear glasses, have a \u201cman-bun top knot,\u201d and a beard.<\/p>\n The soyboy meme rose to popularity on sites like 4Chan to describe a \u201cbeta male<\/em>\u201d or a man with no masculine features. These individuals would feature in memes of them complaining about soymilk being out of stock or struggling to open a \u201cSoylen<\/em>t\u201d beverage bottle.<\/p>\n Since soy contains \u201cphytoestrogens<\/em>\u201d that lower testosterone, the male hormone, \u201csoyboys<\/em>\u201d were ridiculed by alpha personality types. The soyface is also associated with \u201cNu-Males<\/em>,\u201d or men in their 20s and 30s supporting a \u201cwoke<\/em>\u201d lifestyle devoid of masculinity.<\/p>\n In 2017, the Reddit user sexy_mofo1 uploaded the meme with the caption \u201cNu-male Mouth: Why is that everyone that seems to be against us smiles like this in photos<\/em>?\u201d The Nu-Male in the meme featured the soyface look, leading to the creation of the \u201cWojak<\/em>\u201d meme.<\/p>\nSoyface Meaning<\/h2>\n
Soyface Example Usage<\/h2>\n
Soyface Meme Origin<\/h2>\n