{"id":8896,"date":"2022-09-07T22:58:19","date_gmt":"2022-09-07T22:58:19","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/english-grammar-lessons.com\/?p=8896"},"modified":"2022-09-07T22:58:19","modified_gmt":"2022-09-07T22:58:19","slug":"hairy-eyeball-meaning","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/english-grammar-lessons.com\/hairy-eyeball-meaning\/","title":{"rendered":"Hairy Eyeball \u2013 Meaning, Origin and Usage"},"content":{"rendered":"

Is someone staring at you with their brows lowered and a look of anger on their face? You could say they\u2019re giving you the \u2018hairy eyeball.\u2019 <\/em><\/strong>This post unpacks the meaning and origin of this expression.<\/p>\n


The expression \u2018hairy eyeball\u2019<\/em> refers to a facial expression where someone gives you a look of hostility,<\/u> anger, or frustration<\/u>. The person lowers their eyebrows<\/u>, looking through their eyelashes at you<\/u> with a \u2018death stare<\/em>.\u2019 Typically, the \u2018hairy eyeball\u2019<\/em> describes emotions of hostility<\/u>, but it can also refer to other emotions like disappointment and regret.<\/u><\/p>\n

If you give someone the \u2018hairy eyeball,\u2019 <\/em>you\u2019re usually upset at their words or actions<\/u>. It\u2019s a way of letting someone know you\u2019re upset with them without the need to express it verbally.<\/u><\/p>\n

Example Usage<\/h2>\n

\"Why are you giving me the hairy eyeball? What did I do wrong? You can't leave me hanging like this, tell me what the problem is, and I'll fix it.\"<\/p>\n

\"Look at that girl giving you the hairy eyeball. I don't think she appreciated that last joke. She must be a feminist or something.\"<\/p>\n

\"If someone gives you the hairy eyeball, the best thing you can do is walk away from the situation. Confronting the person about it will likely lead to an argument or fight.\"<\/p>\n

\"I like giving people the hairy eyeball if they upset me. I find it's effective at getting people to apologize for their actions, and you don't have to say a word.\"<\/p>\n

\"That girl is giving me the hairy eyeball. I wonder what I did to make her upset? I haven't seen a death stare like that in a long time.\"<\/p>\n

\"A hairy eyeball is a great tool for letting people know you're upset with them and that they should make amends with you for their transgressions.\"<\/p>\n

\"Don't give me the hairy eyeball. It's not my fault. We wouldn't be in this position if you listened to me from the start.\"<\/p>\n

\"\" \"\"<\/p>\n


The expression 'hairy eyeball' originates from the United States in the 1960s. The first recording of the phrase was in The Galveston Daily News, in an article reporting on an interview with Carol Burnett in November 1961. The term appears as follows.<\/p>\n

\"With her, everything is boys-boys-boys. She's really educated me. She was telling me about a boy looking at her, and she said, 'he gave me the hairy eyeball.' That meant he liked her.\"<\/p>\n

It appears that the early use of the phrase was to give someone a sly look insinuating that you like them. However, the modern use of the expression, referring to a look of disparagement, frustration, or anger, occurred in November 1963, in a piece in The New York Times, where it appears as follows.<\/p>\n

\"He gave me the hairy eyeball.\"<\/p>\n