Have you seen the expression 'kid (kit) gloves' somewhere in a book, movie, show or on the internet? The term is common, though a lot of people can say that they don't know what it means and have no reference for the term. This post unpacks the meaning, proper spelling and origin of the term […]
About: Pearson
Posts by Pearson:
Keel Over – Meaning, Origin and Usage
Would you like to describe something that is leaning like the tower of Pisa, and might about to fall over or fail in a spectacular manner at any second from now? The term 'keel over' can be used to say what you mean. This post unpacks the meaning and origin of this expression. Meaning The […]
Hissy Fit – Meaning, Origin and Usage
Have you seen a situation or person that can only be described as hysterical, crazy or completely over the top? The term 'hissy fit' or expression that someone is 'throwing a hissy fit' can be used to apply to both. This post unpacks the meaning and origin of this common saying that you might see […]
The Real McCoy – Meaning, Origin and Usage
Would you like to tell someone that the object you are observing, holding or talking about is authentic and the real thing? You could use the common figurative expression 'the real McCoy' to indicate to someone what you mean. This post unpacks the meaning and origin of this expression. Meaning The expression 'the real McCoy' […]
Bad Penny – Meaning, Origin and Usage
Are you looking for a way to describe a useless person who seems to have a habit of showing up at exactly the wrong time? You could call that person a "bad penny". Learn more about this phrase and its origin here, and discover how to use it in a sentence. Meaning A "bad penny" […]
All in All – Meaning, Origin and Usage
Did you enjoy a night out with friends? All in all, you could say it was a great experience. This post unpacks the meaning and origin of this expression. Meaning The expression 'all in all' means that you've taken everything into account and made a judgment call on something, someone, or someplace. 'All in all' […]
Abracadabra – Meaning, Origin and Usage
"Abracadabra" is an almost universally understood set of syllables, no matter what your native language is. You'll know to expect it if someone is performing magic tricks. What does "abracadabra" actually mean, though? Join us on a fascinating journey to learn more. Meaning The syllables "abracadabra" serve as an incantation that is pronounced during magic […]
Up to Snuff – Meaning, Origin and Usage
Would you like to tell someone that the standard of something is to be measured, or would you like to compare two things against one another by their general quality or appearance to decide which is the best? The term 'up to snuff' is a common expression that can be used for this. This post […]
Starter for 10 – Meaning, Origin and Usage
Would you like to tell someone that they've just had a great idea, but that it still needs some development before it can be put to any good use by someone else? The expression 'starter for 10' is a common saying that can be used to tell someone this. This post unpacks the meaning and […]
Silver Platter – Meaning, Origin and Usage
Would you like to tell someone that they have gotten everything they ever wanted, and that they might be living right in the lap of luxury without realizing it? The term 'silver platter' can be used to apply to people who get given everything they wish or want for. This post unpacks the meaning and […]