Are you looking for a way to credit someone for the part they played in inspiring content that you make? On TikTok, the go-to way to do this is to say that your video was "IB", or "inspired by", someone else. Keep reading to discover what IB means, and how to use it. Meaning The […]
About: Pearson
Posts by Pearson:
Belle of the Ball – Meaning, Origin and Usage
Are you looking at the most attractive woman in the room? You could call her the ‘Belle of the ball.’ This post unpacks the meaning and origin of this expression. Meaning The expression ‘Belle of the ball’ means the most attractive woman in the room or at an event. The ‘Belle of the ball’ will […]
Behind the 8 Ball – Meaning, Origin and Usage
Did your boss tell you you're 'behind the eight ball' on a project? This post unpacks the meaning and origin of this expression. Meaning The expression 'behind the eight ball' means that you're in a challenging position that's difficult to escape. If you can't find a solution or there is no obvious way to solve […]
Balls in Your Court – Meaning, Origin and Usage
Are you finished making your point in an argument? You could tell the other person that the 'ball's in your court' to ask them for their response. This post unpacks the meaning and origin of this expression. Meaning The expression 'the ball's in your court' means the initiative action now lies with another party after […]
Ball Rolling – Meaning, Origin and Usage
Did your boss ask you to get the ball rolling on a project? This post unpacks the meaning and origin of this expression. Meaning The expression 'ball rolling' has several formats. You could 'get the ball rolling' or 'keep the ball rolling.' The ball refers to an activity, action, or conversation, and 'rolling' describes taking […]
Bae – Meaning, Origin and Usage
Are you looking for bae? This term unpacks the meaning and origin of this expression. Meaning The word ‘bae’ is a term of endearment to your loved one, usually used by women when referring to their partner. The term isn’t gendered specific, but it's more common to hear women using it than men. The term […]
AWOL – Meaning, Origin and Usage
Did your boss tell you your colleague went ‘AWOL’ and you have to work the weekend? This post unpacks the meaning and origin of this acronym. Meaning The acronym ‘AWOL’ stands for ‘Absent Without Leave.’ It’s a military term describing a member of the armed forces who takes leave from their post without the proper […]
Antebellum – Meaning, Origin and Usage
Have you heard the word "antebellum" used in connection with the southern United States, and are you wondering what it means? This posts takes a deeper look at the origins, meaning, and current controversy around the word antebellum. Meaning The English word antebellum comes from the Latin language. "Ante" means "before", and "bellum" means "war". […]
Namaste – Meaning, Origin and Usage
Have you seen the term 'Namaste' somewhere and need to know what it means in the context that you've seen it? The term 'Namaste' is a common Sanskrit greeting that can today be found all over the world – including all over social media. This post unpacks the meaning and origin of this term. Meaning […]
Serendipity – Meaning, Origin and Usage
The terms 'serendipity' and 'serendipitous' are common on social media, and might even be something that you've encountered in an article, movie or book. If you need more context to the words and how to use these terms correctly, this post unpacks the meaning and origin of 'serendipity' and tells you how to use it […]