It is not often that phrases from the past actually remain relevant or popular in modern times, but it does happen. If you are a fan of Tombstone, then you may already be aware of the phrase “I’m your huckleberry”. This post unpacks the meaning and origin of this expression. Meaning Aside from sounding slightly […]
About: Pearson
Posts by Pearson:
Hold a Candle to – Meaning, Origin and Usage
Are you trying to tell a friend that their car can't compete with the performance of your vehicle? You could say it can't hold a candle to the acceleration and torque available in yours. This post unpacks the meaning and origin of this expression. Meaning The expression 'hold a candle to' means you're making a […]
Hairy Eyeball – Meaning, Origin and Usage
Is someone staring at you with their brows lowered and a look of anger on their face? You could say they’re giving you the ‘hairy eyeball.’ This post unpacks the meaning and origin of this expression. Meaning The expression ‘hairy eyeball’ refers to a facial expression where someone gives you a look of hostility, anger, […]
First Come, First Serve – Meaning, Origin and Usage
Are you looking for a way to tell someone that you should have priority because you got there first? You could use the phrase "first come, first serve". This post looks into the meaning and origin of this ubiquitous phrase. Meaning The common phrase "first come, first serve" was first used by shopkeepers as "first […]
Double Standard – Meaning, Origin and Usage
Have you ever noticed someone who only applies rules to one set of people but not the other? Perhaps you see things one way but don’t see how they can be the same for others. If so, chances are you have encountered or presented a double standard. This post unpacks the meaning and origin of […]
Ditto – Meaning, Origin and Usage
Have you ever heard the saying "ditto"? Maybe someone mentioned something and you want to say the same thing? Well, ditto means the same as what has been said before. It' like a repeat. So if you say "I agree", and they respond with "ditto," they're saying they feel the same way.This post unpacks the […]
Honesty Is the Best Policy – Meaning, Origin and Usage
Are you hoping to give someone who struggling with a moral dilemma some advice? You could tell them that "honesty is the best policy". Learn more about the meaning and origins of this idiom, as well as how to use it, in this post. Meaning The idiom "honesty is the best policy" is one with […]
Fortune Favors The Bold – Meaning, Origin and Usage
Have you ever been friends with someone who dives headfirst into challenges? Maybe there is someone you know who likes to take risks with the hope of an amazing outcome. If so, the phrase fortune favors the bold is an idiom that could aptly apply. This post unpacks the meaning and origin of this expression. […]
Falling from Grace – Meaning, Origin and Usage
Did someone tell you that a politician is falling from grace? This post unpacks the meaning and origin of this expression. Meaning The expression 'falling from grace' means that someone loses the respect of others, status in society, or prestige in the community. It can also refer to a loss of financial wealth. You can […]
If Worse Comes to Worst – Meaning, Origin and Usage
Are you struggling to get a reservation at your favorite restaurant? You could always stay home and order a pizza if worse comes to worst. This post unpacks the meaning and origin of this expression. Meaning The expression 'if worse comes to worst' means that things are bad, but there is a chance they could […]