Are you looking for a term that lets other people know things are all good or that everything is chilled? You could use the very popular TikTok term 'pushing p' to let others on social media know what you mean. This post unpacks the meaning and origin of this term. Meaning The term 'pushing p' […]
About: Pearson
Posts by Pearson:
Can of Whoop Ass – Meaning, Origin and Usage
Would you like to let someone know that your impending wrath is incoming, and that you are about to “let loose” on all fronts and let them know what you think of them? The expression '[opening up a] can of whoop ass' can be used to say what you mean. This post unpacks the meaning […]
Bones Day – Meaning, Origin and Usage
Are you looking forward to a good day where everything goes just the way you would like it to? Then you could use the term 'bones day' to let people know, or use the term 'no bones day' to indicate the exact opposite of this. The meaning and origin of the term 'bones day' is […]
Holding Up 4 Fingers – Meaning, Origin and Usage
Have you seen someone who is 'holding up four fingers' somewhere on a social media website and need to know what it could mean? The sign of 'holding up four fingers' has become a common sight, with some users of the opinion that most of the content could be a hoax. This post unpacks the […]
Bing Bong – Meaning, Origin and Usage
Have you seen something on the internet that could mean everything and nothing at the same time, like thousands of comments and memes do every minute? You could use the term 'bing bong' to let someone know what you mean. This post unpacks the meaning and origin of this popular internet term. Meaning The term […]
Another Day Another Dollar – Meaning, Origin and Usage
Did your partner say 'another day, another dollar' as they walked out the door on their way to work? This post unpacks the meaning and origin of this expression. Meaning The expression 'another day, another dollar' refers to the daily grind felt by employees. The phrase usually refers to low-income jobs where people feel they […]
A Little Knowledge Is a Dangerous Thing – Meaning, Origin and Usage
Are you looking for a way to say that people often overestimate how much they know? You could point out that "a little knowledge is a dangerous thing". Discover where this famous saying came from, what it means, and how to use it in this post. Meaning The phrase "a little knowledge is a dangerous […]
A Day Late and a Dollar Short – Meaning, Origin and Usage
Did you try to apologize to someone, and they told you it's 'a day late and a dollar short?' This post unpacks the meaning and origin of this expression. Meaning The expression 'a day late and a dollar short' means that something is too little, too late. Typically, the phrase refers to someone offering you […]
FWIW – Meaning, Origin and Usage
Are you desperate to give someone some well-meaning but unsolicited and potentially unwanted advice? You could soften the blow by preceding your words of wisdom with "FWIW". Keep reading to discover what this abbreviation means, how you can use it, and where it originated. Meaning "FWIW" is an abbreviation of the phrase "for what it's […]
Daebak – Meaning, Origin and Usage
Are you scrolling Korean social media channels? You’ll probably hear people use the term ‘daebak’ from time to time, but what does it mean? This post unpacks the meaning and origin of this term. Meaning The expression ‘daebak’ comes from the Korean language. It’s a common phrase used in younger generations, and it has the […]