GQ – Meaning, Origin and Usage

Ever wonder what GQ means? Ever wonder what GQ means? Do you see it on clothing labels and want to know what it means? Or have you heard people talk about it and want to know more? Well, wonder no more! This article brings the inside scoop on this enigmatic abbreviation. Please keep reading to find out what GQ stands for and why it matters. This post unpacks the meaning and origin of this expression.


The essence of "GQ" is "good looking." When you see someone who is "GQ," they are usually well-dressed and good-looking. This term is used to complement men who take care of their appearance. If you see someone looking particularly sharp, you might say they are "GQ." This term can describe someone's physical appearance, but it can also express their style and grooming habits.

"GQ" is also an acronym for "Gentlemen's Quarterly," a magazine focusing on men's fashion and lifestyle topics.The magazine covers everything in fashion, food, fitness, and grooming, and its articles are always well-written and engaging. So if you are wondering what GQ means, it can be summed up as a publication that showcases everything a modern gentleman should know and do. In addition, if you're looking to step up your style or stay informed on the latest trends, then GQ is a must-read.

Example Usage

  • John is looking extra GQ today with his new suit.
  • Wow, he is so GQ!
  • Just finished reading the latest issue of GQ, and I feel inspired.
  • GQ is my go-to source for style tips.
  • Did you see the latest issue of GQ? It's amazing!
  • I'm trying to be more GQ, but it's hard.


"GQ" has been a part of the English language for many years, but its precise origins are unknown. Some believe it is an acronym derived from the phrase "Good quality," while others claim it is simply a shortened form of "quality." The term "GQ" for "Gentlemen's Quarterly" magazine was first coined in the early 20th century. It was initially used in advertising to describe a well-dressed and stylish man. The term became popular in the 1950s, and by the 1960s, it was being used more broadly to describe any well-groomed and elegant man. Whatever its origin, "GQ" has become an essential part of modern slang English and is often associated with the stylish and well-mannered people. So next time you encounter someone or something that is GQ, take a moment to appreciate their impressive level of style and good taste!

Phrases Similar to GQ

  • Dapper, which means “well-dressed” or “stylish.”
  • Dashing which means “attractive” or “stylish.”
  • Chic, which means “elegant” or “fashionable.”
  • Classy, which means having “style and good taste."
  • Spiffy, which means “neat, tidy, and well-dressed.”
  • Stylish, which means “having good taste in clothes and appearance.”
  • Well-dressed, which means “wearing fashionable or expensive clothes.”

Phrases opposite to GQ

  • Scruffy, which means “untidy or unkempt.”
  • Sloppy, which means “careless or messy.”
  • Tacky, which means “in bad taste or tacky-looking.”
  • Unfashionable, which means “not in style or trendy.”

What is The Correct Saying?

  • “GQ!” – “Good Looking!”
  • When using "GQ" to describe someone's physical appearance, you can say they are "GQ." If you want to tell their style in general, you can say they have a "GQ style."
  • When using a more specific term, you can use "GQ magazine" or "GQ publication." These phrases are often used when discussing the magazine itself rather than using the term as a descriptor.

Ways People May Incorrectly Say GQ

  • GQ means “Good Quality.”
  • "GQ is an acronym for Gentlemen's Quarterly." While this is a common belief, no evidence supports this claim.
  • While "GQ" can describe someone's physical appearance, it is not typically used to describe their character or personality.

Acceptable Ways to Phrase GQ

When in doubt, go with "Gentlemen's Quarterly." It is the most formal and proper way to use the term. If you need to be more specific, "GQ Magazine" is always appropriate.

If you're referring to someone who is particularly well-dressed or stylish, you might say he is "GQ." It could be a compliment or an observation.

To describe something as sleek, modern, and fashionable, you could say it is "very GQ."

In summary, GQ can be used as a noun, adjective, or verb. There are a few acceptable ways to phrase "GQ" to ensure you are using the term correctly.

  • Can be used as an adjective: He is looking extra GQ today.
  • Can be used as a noun: Wow, he is so GQ!
  • Can be used as a verb: I am trying to GQ-up my style.
  • It can be used as an exclamation: GQ! You look amazing!

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