FRL – Meaning, Origin and Usage

Has someone just told you something you can’t believe? Or are you really trying to emphasize something that has happened in your life? Then you may find the term “FRL” especially helpful. We are sure there are times you have sent a picture or some unbelievable news to your friend or family only to get the response are you frl back in reply. This easy term is a quick way to get your point across in just a few letters. We will tell you the meaning and origin of “FRL”, as well as how to use the phrase. This post unpacks the meaning and origin of this expression.


The shorthand “FRL” means “for real”. This abbreviation is typically used in text or on social media. It is mainly used as a way of emphasizing that the speaker is being truthful about what they are saying. Another common use of this phrase is formed as a question, where you may be shocked or surprised by something that someone said and you want them to clarify.

This phrase could also be used as a term of endearment, or to enthusiastically agree with something that someone has said. Rarely, the term is interpreted as meaning “for real like” instead of simply “for real”, but this minor difference does not change the meaning of the term or how it is used. The term is typically used by adults and teenagers alike to other adults and teenagers.

Example Usage

“No way! FRL?”

“I lost my keys this morning, FRL”.

“I’m FRL, I got an A on the test”.

“Yes! FRL! I agree!

“This coffee is FRL the best coffee I’ve ever had”.


Like with most shorthand abbreviations, FRL came to be not long after the creation of text messaging and online messaging. You can find FRL used as early as 2008 in many chat rooms online, and even in text messages offline. There is no one person credited with the creation of the term FRL, but it can easily be attributed to millennial youths.

As internet slang has become more popular, many terms and phrases have been shortened to make them easier to text or comment online. “FRL” was created as the shorter version of “for real”, and has gained popularity as social media sites like Facebook and Snapchat have grown. “FRL” has become more popular in recent years, because of social media and the ease of communicating with shorthand phrases.

Phrases Similar to FRL

  • Seriously?
  • Are you serious?
  • TBH which means “to be honest”, and is also used to emphasize the truth.
  • I’m telling the truth.
  • “Period” or ”periodt” which is also used to enthusiastically agree with something someone has said.
  • IRL which means “in real life”.

Phrases Opposite to FRL

  • ROFL which means “rolling on the floor laughing”, which people do not usually do even when they use this term.
  • I’m kidding.
  • I’m lying.

What is the Correct Saying?

  • FRL – “for real”.

Ways People May Incorrectly Say FRL

The abbreviation “FRL” has many meanings and uses, and may be difficult to use incorrectly as it can be used for so many different things. But someone may use this term incorrectly if they are joking about something, if they are lying about something that has not happened, or if they are using it when not agreeing with something someone has said. Examples of this could be, “FRL, I lied about going out yesterday” or “I disagree with you, FRL.” While neither of these two examples are entirely wrong, this is not typically how this term is used.

Acceptable Ways to Phrase FRL

  • When you want to emphasize that what you are saying is the truth, you may say, “FRL, I got a new job yesterday” or “I FRL can’t wait to go on this vacation.”
  • If you are incredulous of what someone is saying, you may say something like, “I can’t believe it! FRL?”
  • If you enthusiastically agree with what someone is saying, you can emphasize their point with a simple but excited “FRL!”

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