Namaste – Meaning, Origin and Usage

Have you seen the term 'Namaste' somewhere and need to know what it means in the context that you've seen it? The term 'Namaste' is a common Sanskrit greeting that can today be found all over the world – including all over social media. This post unpacks the meaning and origin of this term.


The term 'Namaste' is most commonly used as a seeing or parting greeting that can still be seen where it originated (India).

The term 'namaste' is used both when meeting for the first time, and when greeting one another to part ways.

The term is a direct translation of saying “I recognize you”, and it is a form of friendly recognition when greeting people that you like.

'Namaste' can be used both when greeting one person or when greeting several.

The greeting 'namaste' is appropriate for any time of the day, and it is not a type of greeting that is limited to time (such as “good morning” is in English).

'Namaste' is usually only used as a singular term, as there is no need to extend the word as a plural of anything.

The term 'namaste' is also sometimes accompanied by a bow when said in the spoken form, although the term is becoming increasingly common as a written term on social media.

It is possible for the term to be used as a comment, as a hashtag or as a status/part of a discussion.

The term can also be used ironically, and to refer to people who adopt movements like yoga without understanding the concept. Sarcastic use of the term is generally made clear in the context of the rest of the discussion.

There is no plural form of the term, and it can be used exclusively as it is written as such. There is also no common abbreviation for the term, and it is mostly written out even when it is used in the context of social media.

Example Usage

“Before we go anywhere, we should have another cup of coffee or two to celebrate the moment, don't you think? Namaste, everyone.”

“Namaste, my friend! How did your trek up the mountain go this year? We hope that it was much better than the trip you did with those foreigners ten years ago where three people didn't come back from the top.”

“I'm going to say Namaste to everyone, and then go pass out on the couch. That's just the way Mondays work.”

“If you're going to say Namaste to someone, make sure that you at least understand where the term came from or you're just going to look like an esoteric freak.”


The origin of the term 'Namaste' is ancient, and traces it back to the Sanskrit language where it has been used as a word to greet others for hundreds of years.

The term is found in India and other areas that are influenced by the Sanskrit language, although the term “namaste” would achieve much more popular acclaim later when the term fell into use in part thanks to the hippie movement.

Trips to India would cement some of the terms associated with Sanskrit in the common lexicon, where it is today common to see “Namaste” said almost everywhere, including social media websites like TikTok and Instagram.

Phrases Similar to Namaste

  • Namaskar

Phrases Opposite to Namaste

  • N/a

What is the Correct Saying?

  • Namaste
  • namaste

Ways People May Say Namaste Incorrectly

There are several ways in which someone might use the term 'Namaste' in the incorrect way.

If the context is not understood as a greeting, then someone could easily use the term wrong or at the wrong time in a discussion.

Acceptable Ways to Phrase Namaste

The correct way to use the term 'Namaste' is to use it as a greeting, either at first sight or when parting. The term can written with lowercase or uppercase, both are usually considered acceptable.

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