Tits Up – Meaning, Origin and Usage

Are you waiting on an important announcement at work? Did a colleague tell you it’s all gone ‘tits up?’ This post unpacks the meaning and origin of this expression.


The expression ‘tits up’ mean something or someone has deviated from what you expected, causing an adverse event or reaction. If a project goes tits up, it means it's broken or unsalvageable.

If something goes tits up, you don’t get what you expect. It can refer to a project at work, a movie, a meal, or any event where you don’t receive the desired outcome.

The term ‘tits up’ can also refer to someone that fell over onto their back, with their chest facing the sky or ceiling.

Example Usage

"The project went tits up after the company announced its plans to divest its assets away from the sector. Now I have to look for a new job."

"The plot of the movie went tits up around 45-minutes in. I got up and walked out of the cinema. I'm not sticking around for that nonsense. I have better things to do with my time.'

"It all went tits up as soon as we saw the shark. Everyone started scrambling for the shore, and that's when people started to drown."

"It all went tits up when you told the person to back off. It's like it set off a fuse in their mind, and they went ballistic on us."

"This situation has gone tits up. I'm getting out of here before things get out of hand and people start getting hurt.'

"The company went tits up after the cash flow problem got worse. Now, they're in bankruptcy and have no means to get another company going."

"The brand went tits up after the consumer report called them out for using inferior raw materials in their supplements. Now they have no business."


The expression 'tits up' originates from the 20th century, around the start of World War II. Language experts are unsure of the expression's origin or who coined its first use. However, it's believed it comes from the military.

Some experts believe the phrase derives from the erratic behavior of attitude indicators in aircraft. These dials would turn upside down, displaying an 'M,' which pilots would describe as a pair of breasts. Other experts say the phrase is just a vulgar rendition of 'belly up.'

The term' belly up' comes from fishing, where dead fish float 'belly up' or 'dead in the water.' 'belly up' was in use in the US as early as the 1940s, with the vulgar version' tits up' appearing in the 1940s.

Phrases Similar to Tits Up

  • Gone to hell.
  • Go belly up.
  • Gone to the maggots.

Phrases Opposite to Tits Up

  • Running smoothly.
  • No problems.

What is the Correct Saying?

  • Tits up.

Ways People May Say Tits Up Incorrectly

The phrase tits up can also refer to a man or woman falling onto their back. However, this is not the common use of the term. Most people use 'tits up' to describe an unexpected adverse outcome. Typically, British people use this saying more than Americans.

Acceptable Ways to Phrase Tits Up

You can use the phrase 'tits up' when describing a situation gone wrong. The expression suits social and professional use. You could say that the project at work went tits up after the client withdrew funding, or your plans for a promotion went tits up after the boss caught you goofing off on the job. The phrase describes situations where you experience an adverse outcome other than what you expect.

You could use it with friends to describe how the plot of a movie went tits up 30-minutes in. Or you could use it to explain how a football team's season went tits up after losing their starting quarterback. The phrase suits text-based communications and verbal exchanges. It's not considered vulgar, despite the use of 'tits' in the saying.

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