Get Behind Me Satan – Meaning, Origin and Usage

Have you ever heard your aunt or uncle utter “get behind me Satan”? Perhaps you have seen someone comment on this phrase online, or in a group chat. If so, chances are someone is trying hard to resist temptation or combat evil. This post unpacks the meaning and origin of this expression.


The phrase get behind me Satan or get thee behind me Satan comes from the Bible and means to be a way to stop temptation. When a person says or writes get behind me Satan, they are verbally making a pact not to be tempted. Saying the phrase to another person is the same as telling them not to tempt you with forbidden things or actions. It also means to reject an idea, action, or another effect with conviction.

The biblical meaning of get behind me Satan has morphed into a phrase that is found in casual settings, not only in religious circles. Aside from biblical references, it is used as a way to resist temptations that may turn a person away from their goals or their faith. Many use it as an affirmation to keep them on task when confronted with temptation.

Example Usage

“When I saw that pile of money on the ground I had to say get behind me Satan to keep myself from taking it home”.

“In times of temptation, tell yourself get behind me Satan to bolster your self-control and boost your willpower”.

“The desire to smoke is strong, but get behind me Satan, I promised myself I will stick to my cessation plan”.

“Jesus said get behind me Satan to remind him of his place and to shine a light on the path for his followers”.


The phrase was first spoken by Jesus when he was offered a tempting bribe by Satan. The devil is said to offer him all of the kingdoms on earth in exchange for his worship. Instead of accepting the deal, or even entertaining Satan at all, he spoke the phrase, get behind me Satan. He is said to also utter this phrase to Peter. During a conversation in which Jesus informed his disciples of his upcoming death and later resurrection, Peter objected. The way in which he lodged his objection placed him as a temptation in Jesus’ eyes. He then informed Peter that this was his role on earth, and to get behind me Satan, directed at Peter.

The phrase is found in the Bible, specifically in the book of Matthew. It was also listed in the book of Mark. Specifically, Mark 8:33 in which the conversation with Peter was referenced. He told Peter that he was a stumbling block keeping him from God's purpose.

Phrases Similar to Get Behind Me Satan

  • Resist temptation
  • I won’t be bent
  • Lead me not into temptation
  • My will is strong
  • Don’t give in to temptation
  • Down devil

Phrases Opposite to Get Behind Me Satan

  • Down the path to hell
  • Lead me to temptation
  • Yolo
  • Follow your heart
  • The call of temptation
  • The siren song

What is the Correct Saying?

  • The correct saying is – get thee behind me Satan.

Ways People May Incorrectly Say Get Behind Me Satan

Some ways that get behind me Satan is used incorrectly are:

  • Get behind me Satan, I’ll follow you forever.
  • If you want to do it, just say get behind me Satan and you will be forgiven.

Acceptable Ways to Phrase Get Behind Me Satan

Some ways that get behind me Satan is used correctly are:

  • I refuse to go to the bar no matter how depressed I may be, get behind me Satan.
  • I have worked hard to lose all of my extra weight, so every time I see junk food or sweets, I just chant get behind me Satan.
  • Please, get behind me Satan, I won’t run away this time, I'll face the consequences.
  • Messing with you will get me fired, so get behind me Satan, I can’t lose everything for a few minutes of pleasure.

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