I Was Running Through the Six With My Woes – Meaning, Origin and Usage

Are you looking for a way to tell someone that you have a lot on your mind? You could use the line “I was running through the six with my woes” to tell someone you’re feeling stressed. This post unpacks the meaning and origin of this expression.


The expression “I was running through the Six with my Woes” has two meanings. The meaning adopted by Drake fans is that it’s a way of saying you we’re walking through the neighborhood thinking about your problems.

It could refer to past events that bring up bad memories, or it could refer to current events in your life causing you stress. “Walking through the Six with my Woes” means that you’re dealing with a depression that might be temporary or permanent.

However, the real meaning behind the saying is not what fans think. In an interview, Drake said the “Woes” were his street gang. “Walking through the Six with my Woes” means that he walked through the neighborhood with his friends.

Example Usage

“I was running through the six with my woes, thinking about all the bad times I’ve had in life and which direction I’m heading.”

“I’m feeling down today, and I’m running through the six with my woes trying to figure this out before my anxiety reaches another level.”

“I’ve got a lot on my mind. I’m running through the six with my woes, trying to get my head straight and figure out what to do.”

“I’m sorry I’m late for dinner. I was running through the six with my woes. I’m just not in a great headspace today.”

“If you’re wondering where I was all night, I was running through the six with my woes trying to figure out if you’re the right person for me or not.”


The expression "I was running through the six with my Woes" comes from a Drake track released in 2015. The "Know Yourself" track featured the saying in the song's hook. It's one of the Canadian-born rapper's most-loved tracks and the hit single from the album.

"Running through the 6 with my woes" became a trend on Tik Tok, with many users lip-syncing or singing the lyrics to the track in short videos. The subject of the videos is users coming to terms with things they did in the past or experiencing realizations on camera.

Ironically, that's not the original meaning of the phrase. "Running through the six with my woes" doesn't refer to "woes" being "problems." Instead, the "Woes" are the street gang he hangs around with when he's not recording.

Phrases Similar to I was Running through the Six with My Woes

  • I have the world on my shoulders.
  • I’m under pressure.

Phrases Opposite to I was Running through the Six with My Woes

  • Carefree.
  • Don’t worry, be happy.

What is the Correct Saying?

  • I was running through the six with my Woes.

Ways People May Say I was Running through the Six with My Woes Incorrectly

Some people may use the phrase to say that they are Drake fans. While this is the title of a drake track and the origin of the saying, it’s not the current meaning of the saying. The “Woes” in the saying are your problems, not gang members.

Acceptable Ways to Phrase I was Running through the Six with My Woes

You can use “I was running through the six with my woes” when talking about walking through your neighborhood or your life, thinking about your problems. While the Drake song meant he was walking through his neighborhood with his gang, it’s not the current meaning of the phrase.

You can use the phrase in social situations when talking to young people. The saying is almost exclusively used by people under 37 in the Millennial and Gen Z generations. It’s a way of telling people that you have something on your mind and need to talk.

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