Ignorance is Bliss – Meaning, Origin and Usage

Are you watching the news, wishing you didn’t have to worry about war, poverty, and famine? Just forget it all and carry on with your life. After all, ignorance is bliss. This post unpacks the meaning and origin of this expression.


The expression ‘ignorance is bliss’ means that remaining ignorant on topics and subject matter can benefit you. It means that staying ignorant can sometimes cause less fear and anxiety than being informed about something.

Adopting the saying ‘ignorance is bliss’ into your life means you don’t have any interest in learning about things you can’t control. It’s a ‘stoic’ expression and refers to remaining uninformed to avoid stress caused by learning knowledge.

Ignorance is bliss’ can describe your attitude or someone else’s. It means that the ignorant person is blissfully unaware of the problems around them and doesn’t care about the events. By staying ignorant, you don’t have to concern yourself with troubles and issues that don’t directly affect your life.

Example Usage

"You know, it's true what they say. 'Ignorance is bliss.' I wish I never looked not conspiracy theories. Now I worry about stuff I can't control all the time."

"Sometimes, 'ignorance is bliss' is the best strategy to avoid going insane. Learning about bad things that have no impact on your life can upset your mental health."

"So you think that ignorance is bliss? That's a poor way to view the world, and it won't get you very far in life."

The choice to remain informed can leave you feeling anxious and frustrated. Sometimes, ignorance is bliss, and it's better to stay uninformed."


The expression ‘ignorance is bliss’ originates from the 18th century. There are several variations of the phrase, with the earliest rendition of the saying appearing in 1742. Thomas Grey coined the term in his work ‘Ode on a Distant Prospect of Eton College.’

‘Ode on a Distant Prospect of Eton College’ consists of ten stanzas, each with ten lines. They form the rhyming acronym ‘ABABCCDEED,’ with the B and D lines in iambic trimeter format. All other stanzas occur in a iambic tetrameter.

Phrases Similar to Ignorance is Bliss

  • Who cares.
  • Keep your head down.
  • Nothing to see here.

Phrases Opposite to Ignorance is Bliss

  • Aware and scared.
  • Burdened by knowledge.

What is the Correct Saying?

  • Ignorance is bliss.

Ways People May Say Ignorance is Bliss Incorrectly

Using the phrase to describe ignorance as a state worth achieving is incorrect. It's a way of saying that you don't want to understand or look deeper into a subject. Using it to describe someone's willing ignorance is incorrect.

Acceptable Ways to Phrase Ignorance is Bliss

You can use the phrase, 'ignorance is bliss' to describe situations where you don't want to hear the facts or you want to remain ignorant of the truth. For instance, if a conspiracy theorist starts telling you about the origins of 9/11, you could use the phrase to let them know you are not interested in what they're saying.

You can use 'ignorance is bliss' when you want to state that you don't know anything about a topic or wish you never learned something that alters your perception of reality. It suits professional and social conversations. For instance, you could say that the people who don't understand economics don't have to worry about a market crash because they don't think about its effects on their life.

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