Lions Not Sheep – Meaning, Origin and Usage

Are you looking for a way to tell someone to think independently and think outside of the conventional norms of society? You could tell them to act like “lions, not sheep.” This post unpacks the meaning and origin of this expression.


The expression “lion’s not sheep” means that you need to think and behave like a leader, not a follower. The lion is the king of the jungle and a fearless animal at the top of the food chain. They hunt the herd and look for the weakest member to take as prey.

By thinking like lions, not sheep, you’re saying that you act and think independently, without the need to give into trends or groupthink on topics and subjects of importance. It’s a way of saying that you are your own person and not easily influenced by others.

Example Usage

“C'mon, people, let’s be lions, not sheep. There’s no point in following what everyone else is doing if it doesn’t work.”

“Let’s get innovative and think outside of the box. We need to be lions, not sheep, and think outside the normal boundaries of mediocrity and conformity.”

“We’re lions, not sheep. No one tells us what to do. We think for ourselves. We value freedom and critical thinking, not submission and conformity.”

“To be lions, not sheep, that’s the goal. We don’t want to go along with what the crowd is doing. We want to be the predators circling the crowd, looking for the opportunity to strike.”

“We’re lions, not sheep. That’s why we buy merch from a brand with a mass marketing strategy and the goal of selling to mindless consumers. Makes sense, right?”

“We are lions, not sheep. We are the ones that set the rules and lead the crowd. No the other way around.”


The expression “lion’s not sheep” is a slogan for an internet lifestyle brand. The brand launched in 2021, and it publishes content online for its fans. The idea behind the channel and site is to promote content focusing on a market of free-thinking, independently motivated people.

It’s rather ironic since they are trying to market their brand to a market of people who don’t believe in mass marketing. As a result, the only people who sign up for the site and buy the company’s merch are the sheep they seem to despise with their brand philosophy.

Many leaders in the past used the lion and sheep comparison. It’s a common saying in bodybuilding and fitness content. Alexander the Great was one of the first leaders to use lions and sheep when referencing independent thought and action.

“I am not afraid of an army of lions led by a sheep; I am afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion.”

Phrases Similar to Lions not Sheep

  • Carve your own path.
  • Hold your head high.
  • Don’t follow the crowd.

Phrases Opposite to Lions not Sheep

  • Follow the crowd.
  • Lambs to the slaughter.
  • Group think.

What is the Correct Saying?

  • Be lions not sheep.

Ways People May Say Lions not Sheep Incorrectly

Some people think that this expression has proverbial origins. However, it's a new saying invented in the last decade. Ironically, the phrase means to think independently.

However, it's also the company's brand slogan that sells merch to followers on social media and its website. Therefore, the saying is somewhat of an oxymoron when you consider its application.

Acceptable Ways to Phrase Lions, not Sheep

You can use "lions, not sheep" when telling someone to follow their instinct and steer away from "group think." It's a way of telling someone to think and act independently of their own accord. The phrase suits social and professional use.

You could use it at work in a sales meeting to motivate your staff. You could use it with your kids to show them the importance of thinking critically and independently. It's a versatile saying that teaches the lesson of being the outsider and the skeptic rather than the person that follows the crowd.

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