Sapiosexual – Meaning, Origin and Usage

Are you attracted to intelligent people? If you value brains over looks, you could be a 'sapiosexual.'

This post unpacks the meaning and origin of this sexual identity.


The expression 'sapiosexual' is a sexual identity describing someone attracted to intelligent people. They may or may not value looks in their partner, but they demand that the person is smart and articulate.

A sapiosexual prioritize their partner's mind above any other physical characteristic or personality trait. They will only date or have sexual relationships with people that are smarter than them. 'Sapiosexual' originates from the Latin word 'Sapien,' which means 'wise.'

This sexual identity now features in dating apps like 'Sapio' and ‘OkCupid,' allowing users to set it as their preferred sexual orientation on the platform. Some sapiosexuals see their identity as a thorn in the side of the modernity of choosing a person's looks as the defining factor when selecting a partner.

Sapiosexuals don't participate in hook-up culture and have a refined, recluse sexual preference. The sapiosexual identity can refer to men and women, as well as non-binary persons.

Example Usage

“I’m a sapiosexual. I get turned on when I’m around intelligent people. I think the sexiest characteristic of a man is his mind.”

“Do you enjoy dating smart people? You might be a sapiosexual. Sapiosexuals find themselves attracted to a person's intelligence, rather than their looks.”

"Sapiosexuals are special people. They value their partner based on their intellect, not their looks. You're probably a sapiosexual if you find yourself swooning over someone's smarts."


The origin of the sexual identity, ‘sapiosexual’ is unknown. However, experts believe its one of the original sexual identities shaped before the popularization and explosion of the LGBTQ+ movement.

The first definition of this sexuality was in the Merriam-Webster dictionary in 2004. It’s a commonly understood sexual identity, and both men and women can identify as sapiosexual.

Phrases Similar to Sapiosexual

  • N/A.

Phrases Opposite to Sapiosexual

  • N/A.

What is the Correct Saying?

  • Sapiosexual.

Ways People May Say Sapiosexual Incorrectly

Some people may confuse the meaning of 'sapiosexual' with 'sex with homo sapiens,' resulting in a definition that refers to heterosexual behavior. However, Sapiosexual is not gender specific, nor is it referring to someone being interested in someone for sex.

Acceptable Ways to Phrase Sapiosexual

You can use the term 'sapiosexual' to describe people attracted to intelligence in others. Anyone can identify as sapiosexual, which applies to homosexual and heterosexual identities. If you're a sapiosexual, you don't care what the person looks like. You're interested in their mind, not their body.

Sapiosexuals get turned on by their partner's intelligence, and it's the characteristic they value most. Men and women or non-binary people can be sapiosexual and may or may not find the person sexually desirable. However, they revere the person's intellect and are willing to comply with sexual requests in most cases.


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