What's Cooking Good Looking? – Meaning, Origin and Usage

Have you seen the phrase 'what's cooking good looking' somewhere and would like to know more about the context or meaning of the saying? The phrase is a common colloquial saying, but it's not one that everyone is familiar with. This post unpacks the meaning, origin, and correct use of the phrase.


The phrase 'what's cooking good looking?' is a common saying in the English language.

The saying 'what's cooking good looking?' is used as a phrase that asks someone how they are, with the implications that the person being asked is attractive to the speaker.

The phrase is sometimes likened to a pick-up line, and sometimes used as such in cultural references.

The phrase is figurative and does not actually ask someone what they are cooking.

'What's cooking good looking?' is a common pick up line that is used for comedic effect in film and television.

The phrase is sometimes said with humorous implications, often in comedic situations.

Sometimes the phrase is said in real-life, though unlikely to work as a real pick up line due to its common joking or comedic use.

The phrase can be used with or without a comma: either 'what's cooking good looking?' or as 'what's cooking, good looking?'

There is no acceptable denial form of the phrase, and someone cannot ask or say 'what's not cooking [good looking]' as use of the phrase.

Example Usage

“When I saw her standing at the bar I went straight up to them and asked, what's cooking good looking? It wasn't three seconds and I had a vodka sour thrown over my head.”

“What's cooking good looking? I don't mean to ask what you've got on the stove there, I just wanted to know how you were doing.”

“When he came up to me and said 'what's cooking good looking?', I didn't bother to answer and just got straight back in the Uber home.”

“What's cooking, good looking?”


According to online language resources like The Free Dictionary, the phrase 'what's cooking good looking' first originated as a slang phrase somewhere in the 1940s: the phrase was more acceptable to say in a different time.

In modern times it is seen as either a joke or an over-the-top pick up line with humorous implications.

The phrase is common as a humorous cultural reference, and has appeared in many movies as a catchphrase or joke.

Use of the phrase would continue into the 21st century, though its meaning is taken as a joke instead of a serious saying towards the modern use.

The saying is listed on Urban Dictionary from 2006, though use of the saying is obviously common before this time.

Phrases Similar to What's Cooking Good Looking

  • How you doin'?

Phrases Opposite to What's Cooking Good Looking

  • N/a

What is the Correct Saying?

  • What's cooking good looking?
  • What's cooking, good looking?

Ways People May Say What's Cooking Good Looking Incorrectly

There are several ways in which someone can use the phrase 'what's cooking good looking' in the wrong way, or misinterpret its context.

The phrase is most often meant as a joke, though might be taken seriously or misunderstood as a literal phrase by someone who is not familiar with the meaning.

The phrase does not translate well to other languages as a direct phrase.

Acceptable Ways to Phrase What's Cooking Good Looking

There are several ways in which the phrase 'what's cooking good looking' can be used in conversation.

When someone uses the saying, it is usually used as a humorous catchphrase or as a means to joke with the recipient.

The phrase is rarely used seriously, unless it refers to the earliest use of the phrase (around the 1940s) when it was more of a serious pick up line than a joke.

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