Ships Passing in the Night – Meaning, Origin and Usage

Are you looking for a saying to describe a brief meeting or moment with another person you’ll never see again? If so, you could use the phrase, “ships passing in the night.” This post unpacks the meaning and origin of this expression.


The expression “ships passing in the night” refers to a chance, a brief encounter with another person you’ll probably never see again.

The phrase usually refers to sexual antics, but it can refer to an engagement with another person where you feel like you want to see them again, but that won’t happen.

The saying also frequently appears as “two ships passing in the night.” You can use it to describe meeting people at any public venue, such as a bar, club, or theater.

Example Usage

“I was at the bar last night and hooked up with this girl. She was amazing, but she’s on a flight back to France this morning, and I’m never going to see her again. She wouldn’t give me her number. We were like two ships passing in the night.”

“Have you ever met someone special and never seen them again? It’s like you’re two ships passing in the night.”

“Last night was like a whirlwind. I met that guy and had a great time, but now he’s gone, and I don’t know how to get hold of him. It’s like we were two ships passing in the night.”

“There’s no way to find her again. It’s like we were two ships passing in the night. Why do the good ones always get away?”

“Tim met this amazing guy last night, but he didn’t get his number. Now he’s upset that he’ll never see him again. They were like two ships passing in the night.”


The origin of the expression “ships passing at night” dates back at least 150-years. It’s a maritime saying, first used by sailors to describe interactions between ships at sea.

The first appearance of the phrase is in “Tales of a Wayside Inn,” by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, published in 1863, where it reads as follows.

“Ships that pass in the night, and speak [to] each other in passing, Only a signal shown and a distant voice in the darkness; So on the ocean of life, we pass and speak one another, Only a look and a voice, then darkness again and a silence.”

Phrases Similar to Ships Passing in the Night

  • One night stand.
  • Brief encounter.

Phrases Opposite to Ships Passing in the Night

  • We’re in a long-term relationship.
  • We spent hours together and we’re meeting again.

What is the Correct Saying?

  • Ships passing in the night.
  • Like two ships passing in the night.

Ways People May Say Ships Passing in the Night Incorrectly

Some people may use the phrase to refer to ships out on the water. While this use of the saying is technically correct, it’s not the purpose or meaning of the expression. The phrase refers to people and relationships, not boats.

Acceptable Ways to Phrase Ships Passing in the Night

You can use the phrase “ships in the passing night” when you describe meeting someone briefly, only to never see them again. The term can refer to friendships, acquaintances, or romantic relationships.

For instance, you could use it to describe how you met someone last night and fell in love, but you never got their number, and now there’s little chance of you ever seeing them again.

In most cases, the saying refers to a short engagement between two people, with no prospect of seeing the person again after you break contact with them.

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