Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely – Meaning, Origin and Usage

Power and control are important to keep societies in motion, but there must always be a balance. Be it in a small office, a sports team, or in the running of a country, it is important to pay attention to checks and balances. One way to explain the dangers is by saying absolute power corrupts absolutely. This post unpacks the meaning and origin of this expression.


The phrase absolute power corrupts absolutely means that when authority figures have complete power, they will become corrupt. Uncheck power leads to abuse of that power over time, even when the intention is not to rule absolutely. The nature of power is addictive, and without a balancing hand to prevent abuse, total power will always lead to corruption in the end.

The phrase explains that anyone in a position that affords them total authority or control over others will become abusive. Power in itself is a corrupting force, when one has access to absolute or complete power, it will also corrupt that person absolutely. Lord Acton inferred that a person's moral sense will diminish as their access to power and control increases, which has been proved over the centuries. More information can be found in the video (here).

Example Usage

“When creating your bylaws, keep in mind that Absolute power corrupts absolutely. So make sure that you have checks and balances in place”.

“A few years into his promotion, it is clear that absolute power corrupts absolutely, even if a person has good intentions”.

“One of the most important lessons we should learn from dictatorships is that absolute power corrupts absolutely, not how to silence your citizens”.

“Being a good administrator means listening, not ruling with an iron fist. Absolute power corrupts absolutely, be it in management or government”.


The phrase absolute power corrupts absolutely is one that is well-known, even if it is not used in daily conversation. Its roots can be traced back to the 19th century, or even beyond. The famed historian, Lord Acton, is credited with penning the proverb that absolute power corrupts absolutely during his tenure. Specifically, he was a historian from the period of 1834 to 1902. Lord Acton wrote a letter to Bishop Mandell Creighton. In this letter, he details the proper way in which historians should record the actions of those in power.

Further, he went on to explain how rulers, such as the pope specifically, should be judged when they abuse their power and position. He stated that absolute power corrupts absolutely, which meant that those in power have a decline in their morals over time. The more power a person has, then the fewer morals they will employ while maintaining that power.

Phrases Similar to Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely

  • Power tends to corrupt
  • Power corrupts a man
  • Power corrupts
  • Power lessens the moral sense

Phrases Opposite to Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely

  • With great power comes great responsibility
  • Checks and balances
  • A proper balance of power

What is the Correct Saying?

  • The correct saying is – absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Ways People May Incorrectly Say Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely

Some ways that Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely is used incorrectly are:

  • Having checks and balances ensures that absolute power corrupts absolutely.
  • In order to keep things fair, we need to make sure to give only one person the chance to rule. After all, absolute power corrupts absolutely, so keeping it with one person is the best option.
  • Thinking that absolute power corrupts absolutely is nothing but mental weakness and lack of willpower.

Acceptable Ways to Phrase Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely

Some ways that Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely is used correctly are:

  • Saying absolute power corrupts absolutely simply means that we should elect our leaders instead of letting one person hold all the power.
  • In a democracy, there is no room for single-minded governance. Since absolute power corrupts absolutely, democracy relies on the will of the many to empower the few.

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