Rabbit Hole - Meaning, Origin and Usage

Are you looking for a way to tell someone not to waste their time looking into finding out information they can’t control? If so, you could ask them to stop looking down the “rabbit hole.” This post unpacks the meaning and origin of this phrase. Meaning The “rabbit hole” in “Alice in Wonderland” is a […]

Horsefeathers - Meaning, Origin and Usage

Are you looking for a way to call people out on the nonsense they're speaking to you? If so, you could reply with "horsefeathers" when they make an idiotic statement. This post describes the meaning and origin of this expression. Meaning The expression "horsefeathers" means that a person is talking rubbish or nonsense, and you […]

Hot Potato - Meaning, Origin and Usage

Are you looking for an alternative expression for a controversial topic? If so, you could call it a "hot potato." This post unpacks the meaning and origin of this expression. Meaning The expression "hot potato" refers to a controversial topic and people's unwillingness to approach it or tackle it. Typically, it's a topic that invokes […]

Wax Poetic - Meaning, Origin and Usage

Do you want to tell someone to go on with their philosophical argument? If so, you could ask them to "wax poetic" about the subject. This post unpacks the meaning and origin of this expression. Meaning The expression "wax poetic" means that you're speaking poetically about things in your life, current events, or topics where […]