Fetus Deletus – Meaning, Origin and Usage

Are you in fear of getting pregnant before you finish school? Perhaps you have had a scare but have taken care of it? If so, “fetus deletus” is a common phrase often used when referring to an unwanted pregnancy. The phrase “fetus deletus” has become popularized on the Internet by its relation to the Harry Potter series.

Though this expression was never said in the movies or books, photos of Harry Potter with the caption “fetus deletus” made this phrase popular. But, what does “fetus deletus” actually mean? This post unpacks the meaning and origin of this expression.


“Fetus deletus”, in its simplest form, is a cutesy phrase to refer to an abortion, or something that is done to get rid of a fetus. It is most commonly seen in memes were a woman tells a man that she is pregnant, and he responds with “fetus deletus” because he realizes he has made a mistake and he does not want to have a baby.

This phrase became popularized by the Harry Potter fanbase, and it mainly used by young adults and teenagers. It can be seen as making fun of abortions, which to some is a sensitive subject matter, so caution about one’s audience when choosing whether or not to use this phrase is important. More information can be found in the video (here).

Example Usage

“You’re pregnant? No. Fetus deletus!”

“My girlfriend is pregnant, but I don’t want a baby. Fetus deletus!”

“We’re too young to have kids! Fetus deletus!”

“I’m pregnant, but I’m not ready to be a mom. Fetus deletus!”


The Harry Potter books were written and published by author J.K. Rowling between the years of 1997 and 2007. The subsequent movies were released from the years 2001 to 2011. During that time, the series amassed a large following, and people of many ages became quick fans of the books and movies.

The phrase “fetus deletus” was created as a spoof of Harry Potter spells that were seen in the books and movies. It was made as a humorous take on abortion or realizing you have made a mistake when you find out your partner is pregnant. The first use of the phrase shows a picture of Harry Potter and Hermione Granger, in which Hermione tells Harry she is pregnant and Harry responds with “fetus deletus”. This, of course, was a meme and was never in the books or movies. The phrase gained popularity around 2007 and has been found in countless YouTube videos, Reddit posts, and memes all over the Internet ever since.

Phrases Similar to Fetus Deletus

  • Yeetus deletus.
  • Fetus yeetus.
  • Deletus the fetus.

Phrases Opposite to Fetus Deletus

  • Let’s keep the baby.
  • I’m excited to have this child!

What is the Correct Saying?

  • “Fetus deletus” is its own correct saying, but the phrase is used as a humorous reference to abortion.

Ways People May Incorrectly Say Fetus Deletus

The phrase “fetus deletus” is used as a humorous reference to abortion, as a meme where one character says this to another when they realize the other is pregnant. Attempting to use this phrase for anything other than this would be incorrect. Most importantly, if you use this phrase when your intention is actually to keep the baby, or to express your excitement about your partner being pregnant, that would be incorrect. Some ways that “fetus deletus” is used incorrectly are:

  • I can’t wait for this baby! Fetus deletus!
  • I’m so excited that we’re going to have a kid together! Fetus deletus!
  • I can’t wait to meet our baby. Fetus deletus!
  • We’re definitely ready to have this baby. Fetus deletus!

Acceptable Ways to Phrase Fetus Deletus

  • I don’t want a kid yet. Fetus deletus!
  • I’m only 18, I’m not ready to have a child. Fetus deletus!
  • I can’t believe that one night stand got me pregnant. Fetus deletus!
  • I don’t have enough money to raise a child right now. Fetus deletus!

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