GNC – Meaning, Origin and Usage

Did someone tell you they identify as GNC? What do they mean, and how should you address them?

This post unpacks the meaning and origin of this expression.


The acronym 'GNC' stands for 'Gender Non-Conforming.' It can also refer to someone that identifies as gender variant, genderqueer, or gender creative. Essentially, if someone identifies as 'GNC,' it means they don't identify as their biological sex assigned at birth.

It can also mean the person doesn't conform to any societal expectations regarding their gender.

Some GNC individuals may identify as trans, but it's not always the case. GNC 'gender creative' types may choose the parenting option of raising their children without gender until they're old enough to assume their gender identity themselves.

The expression 'GNC AF' means 'Gender non-Conforming As F**k.' It's a catchphrase that went viral on Tumblr during the first quarter of 2021. Typically, calling someone 'GNC AF' is a compliment, meaning someone who appears to be GNC concerning their fashion and lifestyle choices.

Example Usage

“I spoke with my brother this afternoon, and he decided to identify as a GNC. As a gender non-conforming person, he no longer identifies as male.”

“The teacher told the class she identifies as a GNC, and none of them know what that was. So, she complained to the principal, and now the kids have to do gender appreciation training at school.”

“There’s no reason to get all upset at someone not identifying you as a GNC. How are they supposed to know your gender identity without asking you?”

“I love hanging around with GNC people. They’re open-minded, and they only want to be part of an inclusive society.”

“Wow, your dad is GNC AF. He looks so different in this photo. He looks like 20 or something? This is so funny. Everyone will get a kick out of it when I share it online.”

“That guy over there is GNC AF. Just looking at the way he dresses and his posture, it’s a dead giveaway. Don’t look. He’s walking this way.”


The acronym ‘GNC’ originates from the early 1990s and the start of activism surrounding the LGBT movement at the time. During this era, alternate sexual identities were considered taboo. However, the LGBT community started pushing their activism into the spotlight, gaining traction in the media into the early 2000s.

With gender inclusivity becoming more prevalent in the social structure in the late 200s and early 2010s, we saw a slew of new sexual and gender identities created to represent individuals in the LGBT community.

‘GNC’ is one of the newer terms in the LGBT lexicon, and some experts say it appeared around 2010. However, the more expletive version, ‘GNC AF,’ would only appear on Tumblr in early 2021.

Phrases Similar to GNC

  • Queer.
  • LGBTQI+.

Phrases Opposite to GNC

  • Straight.

What is the Correct Saying?

  • GNC.
  • Gender non-Conforming.

Ways People May Say GNC Incorrectly

Some people may confuse the acronym ‘GNC’ or gender non-conforming as the GNC brand that sells health products. However, in social conversations surrounding sexual identity, GNC refers to a gender non-conforming person.

Acceptable Ways to Phrase GNC

You can use the term ‘GNC’ when describing someone that doesn’t conform to gender identity. Typically, the person doesn’t identify as the sex they are born into, and they may or may not be trans. A GNC doesn’t conform to typical sexual identity stereotypes, and some GNC people may identify as non-binary.

The term ‘GNC’ suits social conversations surrounding sexual identity. The more expletive term ‘GNC AF’ is more common for Millennials and Gen Zs to use when describing someone that’s obviously a GNC sexual identity. Typically, the phrase ‘GNC AF’ is used in text communications on online chats on message boards like Reddit and 4Chan.

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