WBU – Meaning, Origin and Usage

In the middle of a conversation, you may realize that you’ve been talking too much about yourself and haven’t asked about your friend. So how do you casually throw in that you care about what is going on in their life? Hit them up with the WBU? This short and simple phrase can be used at just about any time and is the perfect way to show your friend you care about them or change the subject when asked about what you are doing. This post unpacks the meaning and origin of this expression.


WBU stands for What Bout’ You” or What About You?” It is a way to ask in a short, sweet manner what your friends are doing, how they are doing, or even how they feel about something. Usually, WBU is used in texting format with friends and family.

It is also a great way to change the subject. For example, if your texting buddy asks you something you don’t really want to answer, you can give them a short, vague response and then end it with WBU? This then changes the subject and puts the spotlight on them.

It is also a great way to ask someone for their opinion without directly asking. Usually done with a “why” before the WBU, you can determine if the person you are texting agrees with what you are saying or maybe has a different opinion on it.

Example Usage

”Im doing great, wbu?”

”Hey, I think it is time for me to make a change, wbu?”

”I dont have plans, wbu?”

”That is pretty confusing, I don’t know what to say, wbu?”

”My head is all messed up thinking about it, wbu?”


The origins of this abbreviation aren’t well documented. With that being said this term has been heard as early as the 90s, and was made prominent in the texting world in the early 2000s. Around 2005 cellphones were becoming very normal for everyone to have, and as was learning the texting lingo. Many used this term to keep conversations short and sweet before phones had the full keypad option for typing and numbers had to be hit multiple times just to get to one letter.

Phrases Similar to WBU

  • HBU? Which means “How Bout You”
  • WYD which means “What are You Doin”

Phrases opposite to WBU

  • IDK which means “I don’t know”
  • IDC which means “I don’t care”

What is The Correct Saying?

  • I’m just watching TV WBU?
  • I don’t really like them, why WBU?
  • I haven’t heard from them WBU?
  • I don’t know, haven’t thought about it WBU?

Ways People May Incorrectly Say WBU

People may misuse this term, as simple as it is. Or may even misinterpret it for a different meaning if they aren’t’familiar with it. For example, some may believe that WBU actually means Who But You or even What Brings You. Using this term in an improper context could cause some miscommunication. Some may also misinterpret it to be a dismissal of the conversation. Be sure to put a question mark after using this abbreviation to show your recipient that you are actually asking them the question and not just trying to push off the conversation or end it early.

Acceptable Ways to WBU

There are plenty of ways to use wbu, however, keep in mind this is a highly informal slang term. It can be used in text conversation, on social media, or even in online messaging platforms.

  • I am aboutt to go to the club, wbu?
  • That value meal looks pretty good, I am going to the that one, wbu?
  • Whats up with that lady, I think she is nuts, wbu?
  • I’m just about to go to work, wbu?
  • Just hanging out, wbu? Want to hook up?

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