Did a friend just say ‘ciao’ instead of goodbye to you? This post unpacks the meaning and origin of this expression. Meaning The expression ‘ciao’ is a farewell or welcoming greeting used as a pleasantry in conversation. You can say it when greeting a friend or saying goodbye to them. It’s a flexible greeting akin […]
About: Pearson
Posts by Pearson:
BSF – Meaning, Origin and Usage
Did your ‘BSF’ text you asking if you want to go to the movies tonight? This post unpacks the meaning and origin of this acronym. Meaning The abbreviation ‘BSF’ stands for ‘best friend.’ It’s a common acronym found in online communications between friends. Typically, women and girls will use BSF, but some boys may also […]
RSVP – Meaning, Origin and Usage
Have you seen the term 'RSVP' appear anywhere on social media and need to know what the term means? The term 'RSVP' is a common request that appears on invitations, and many people still don't know that the term comes from French. This post unpacks the meaning and origin of this term. Meaning The term […]
Cisgender – Meaning, Origin and Usage
The term 'cisgender' is a term that is becoming more common on the internet, and there is a whole wave of people who still might not understand what it means. If you have seen the term 'cisgender' then the first thing to know is that it's the direct opposite of the term 'transgender'. This post […]
Bon Appetit – Meaning, Origin and Usage
Did a waiter serve you food and say ‘Bon appetite’ before walking away? What do they mean? This post unpacks the meaning and origin of this expression. Meaning The expression ‘Bon appetite’ is a French saying translating to ‘good appetite’ in English. You’ll use ‘Bon appetite’ when serving people food. The phrase is suitable for […]
Blue Collar – Meaning, Origin and Usage
Blue-collar jobs are the backbone of any economy! They include jobs in manufacturing, construction, and manual labor. These jobs are often dangerous and physically demanding but essential to keeping things running. However, have you ever wondered what exactly the term blue collar means and where it came from? If so, you are in the right […]
Big Ups – Meaning, Origin and Usage
Did a friend sign off their text message with big ups? This post unpacks the meaning and origin of this expression. Meaning The expression ‘big ups’ is an acknowledgment of the other person you’re talking to in the conversation. You can also use ‘big ups’ when addressing crowds. Typically, ‘big ups’ serves as a modern […]
TFW – Meaning, Origin and Usage
Have you seen the common text-based abbreviation 'TFW' or 'tfw' on the internet and would like to have more context as to what it means? The term 'TFW' is accepted as one of the earliest acronyms on the internet. This term unpacks the meaning and origin of this expression. Meaning The term 'TFW' is a […]
IYKYK – Meaning, Origin and Usage
The term 'iykyk' is a common text-based abbreviation that is actually pretty common on the internet, but there are still many users that don't know what the term means when they see it in a discussion or as a tag. This post unpacks the meaning and origin of this expression. Meaning The term 'iykyk' is […]
Fount of Knowledge – Meaning, Origin and Usage
Do you know someone who seems to have expert-level knowledge about nearly everything, or who at least seems very well informed? You could call that person a "fount of knowledge". Keep reading to discover what this idiom means, where it came from, and how to put it to use. Meaning The idiom "fount of knowledge" […]