Are you about to overthrow someone’s leadership? If so, you could say you’re a ‘supplanter.’ This post unpacks the meaning and origin of this expression. Meaning A ‘supplanter’ refers to a person that takes the place of another, usually in a position of power. It’s similar to the word ‘usurper’ but doesn’t always refer to […]
About: Pearson
Posts by Pearson:
Yassification – Meaning, Origin and Usage
Are you wondering what started the 'yassification' trend on Twitter and TikTok? This post unpacks the meaning and origin of this expression. Meaning The expression 'yassification' is a slang word originating from social media. 'Yassification' describes the process of something changing from the straight sexual identity to a more 'LGBTQ' friendly look. If you 'yassify' […]
White Heart Emoji - Meaning, Usage & Origin
Are you looking for a way to tell someone that you appreciate their kindness and support? You could send them a white heart emoji🤍 to express your feelings. This post unpacks the meaning and origin of this emoji. Meaning The 🤍 white heart emoji means pure love, support, affection, kindness, support, and admiration for people […]
WBK – Meaning, Origin and Usage
Are you looking for a cool, modern, internet slang term to let a friend or someone you talk to on the internet know that whatever they just said was incredibly obvious? Where you would previously have said "duh!", you can now use "WBK" instead. Keep reading to find out what WBK means and how to […]
Viva la Vida – Meaning, Origin and Usage
Are you looking for a way to express joy in life? You could use ‘viva la vida’ to voice your satisfaction. This post unpacks the meaning and origin of this expression. Meaning The expression ‘viva la vida’ translates from Spanish to ‘long live life’ in English. The Spanish word ‘viva’ is acclaim to something or […]
Usurpation – Meaning, Origin and Usage
Are you looking for a way to describe a situation in which someone illegally took control over a property that did not belong to them, or in which a country occupied another territory? The word "usurpation" will fit. Read on to dive into its meaning and usage. Meaning The English noun "usurpation" means the taking […]
Submittal – Meaning, Origin and Usage
Did your boss just ask you to review the accounts for submittal to a client? This post unpacks the meaning and origin of this expression. Meaning The word ‘submittal’ means that you yield to someone else. If you offer your submittal to an authority, you’re allowing them to control your life. It’s common for alcoholics […]
Sugoi – Meaning, Origin and Usage
You’re watching your favorite anime series and you hear it, “Sugoi!”. You’re scrolling through Instagram and see that your friends won their soccer match and read one of the comments, “Sugoi!”. The Japanese foreign exchange student uses it constantly with her girlfriends. You notice it in the caption of a tweet someone posts about a […]
Tone Deaf – Meaning, Origin and Usage
Are you listening to someone play the piano that clearly doesn’t know what they’re doing with the instrument? You could say they’re ‘tone deaf.’ This post unpacks the meaning and origin of this expression. Meaning The expression ‘tone deaf’ means someone with no musical talent or ear for music. It generally describes people with poor […]
Trials and Tribulations – Meaning, Origin and Usage
Have you been dealing with a seemingly endless bout of bad luck? Maybe things just can’t seem to go right but you refuse to give up? If so, this is what many old-timers refer to as trials and tribulations. If you are curious about this turn of phrase, you are in the right place. This […]