HWP – Meaning, Origin and Usage

Are you swiping through Tinder? Is it worth asking the person out if you come across 'HWP' in a profile? This post unpacks the meaning and origin of this expression.


The acronym 'HWP' stands for 'Height Weight Proportional.' The advent of the 'Body Positivity Movement' made it impolite or offensive to ask another person their weight or body type. By using 'HWP,' you're saying that you're out of shape or fat but not obese.

For instance, if you're reading a bio on Tinder or another dating app, and the person lists themselves as 'HWP,' it means they are heavy but not obese.

HWP has several other meanings, such as 'Hard Working People' and 'House Warming Party,' but the most common use of it is to describe 'Height Weight Proportional' on dating sites and apps.

Example Usage

“I’m around 5’11” and 205 lbs. HWP. I’m not a total fatty, but I could use losing a few pounds. I’m looking for a partner with similar vital statistics.”

“Are you HMP? Can you see your toes when you look down or is your belly in the way? If you’re severely overweight, you’re not HWP. You’re obese.”

“This girl has ‘HWP’ in her bio. What does that mean? Is she part of special operations or something? Someone told me it refers to the person's proportions and weight?”

“I’m completing my profile on the dating app right now. What should I put as my wight? I think I’ll go with ‘HWP.’”

“I only date HWP people. I can’t stand these fit, athletic body types. All they do is make me feel uncomfortable in my body. I’m pout on a date, not a fat-shaming marathon.”


The acronym 'HWP' originates from personal ads and online dating. It was a common acronym used when creating a bio or profile on a dating website or app like Tinder. The phrase first appeared in the 1990s in personal ads before transferring to text messaging and online dating in the 2000s.

These acronyms are useful in online communications because they cut down on the number of words you need to type to describe yourself. By using 'HMP,' you're telling the person everything they need to know about your body type.

Language experts are unsure who coined the phrase or when it appeared in English. However, it's a common term used in online communications and dating apps, and you'll notice it in many bios and profile descriptions.

Phrases Similar to HWP

  • Heavy.
  • Out of shape.

Phrases Opposite to HWP

  • Fit.
  • Athletic.
  • Severely obese.
  • Average.

What is the Correct Saying?

  • HWP.

Ways People May Say HWP Incorrectly

Some people may use ‘HWP’ to describe an athletic build or body type. However, this phrase refers to someone heavy but not overweight. They usually don’t have any muscle tone, and they are not athletic or fit.

Acceptable Ways to Phrase HWP

You can use the expression ‘HWP’ on dating apps and websites when completing your profile. It means that your body measurements are proportionate and you’re not too overweight or out of shape. It also means that you’re not athletic and probably don’t have much muscle tone. You can use it to describe your body type as ‘heavy, but not obese’ to others.

You can use the term in social situations. The acronym has several alternative meanings, such as ‘Hard Working Person’ or ‘House Warming Party.’ However, the most common use of the phrase is to describe someone’s body type. The term suits text communications, and it’s not common in verbal exchanges.

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