Umm – Meaning, Origin and Usage

Do you know what umm means? Or Are you still confused about the meaning of umm? Well, no worries. Umm, is that awkward pause between words where your mouth moves, but you don't say anything. This post unpacks the meaning and origin of this expression.


The word "umm" is often used as a filler when people think about what to say next. People also use it when they are uncertain or hesitancy. Sometimes, it might be used to buy time while the person is thinking of a lie to tell.

Umm can be used to fill a pause or hesitation in speaking when you’re unsure of what to say next. It’s typically used as a filler word for “um,” “like,” “so,” and other words that require silence to accompany them. Umm can also be used to draw attention to something that you want to address. For example, if you have a point to make in a presentation, Umm will attract your audience's attention.

Umm can also be used as a sarcastic way of saying "I don't know" or "I don't understand." This may be an attempt at humor, but it's not always successful. If you want people's attention, use Umm instead of "like." The correct way to say umm is: "Umm, I don't know." It's a phrase that can be used in conversation and is often used as an interjection. Sometimes, it is used to open a discussion, ask for clarification, or acknowledge something that has been said. The use of this phrase is varied.

More information can be found in the video (here)

Example Usage

  • "Umm, I don't know."
  • "Umm, I don't know if that's what happened."
  • "Umm, I'm not sure if my mom was there."
  • "Umm, I think it was just me."
  • Umm, you're right.
  • Umm, I think so too.
  • Umm, no, I'll go with them.


In 1672, the English Oxford Dictionary recorded the historical usage of the phrase “um.” It's likely a shortened version of the word "umbrage," which means "shade" or "shadow." "umbrage" comes from the Latin umbra, which means "shadow."

"umm" as a filler word was first attested in the early 20th century. The use of "umm" to express uncertainty or hesitancy is first attested in the mid-20th century.

Phrases Similar to Umm

These phrases indicate hesitation or uncertainty in speaking or that someone is searching for the right word(s) to use.

  • "Er" means "to make a sound expressing hesitation."
  • "Erm" is a variant of "er."
  • "Mm" means "to make a sound expressing doubt or hesitation."

Phrases opposite to Umm

  • "Hm" and "Hmm" indicated thoughtful consideration while speaking.
  • "Well" indicates that one is about to speak or has something to say.
  • "Whoa": Used to indicate that one is about to break off in speaking.
  • "Yah": Used to indicate that one is about to break off in speaking.

What is The Correct Saying?

  • “Umm” is the correct saying showing as pause fillers, discourse markers, or hesitation.

Ways People May Incorrectly Say Umm

Umm can mark a pause or hesitation in speech, so it is often said when people are unsure what to say next. However, a common mistake is to pronounce Umm as "Aw-m." When displaying the word Umm, the tongue should touch the roof of the mouth and then move away quickly. Other ways that people may incorrectly say Umm include:

  • Bouncing on their tongue when saying Umm.
  • Slurring the last syllable of Umm.
  • Pronouncing Umm with an “r” sound at the end (like “hum”).
  • Trying to say words like “ummah” or “ummudu” (two words that sound very similar but have different meanings).
  • Incorrectly pronouncing Umm as “Um-mmm” or “Um-mmmm” (which sounds like someone is clearing their throat).

Acceptable Ways to Phrase Umm

Next time you're unsure what to say, Umm is your best bet!

Using the word "umm" in place of "I'm sorry" or "excuse me" can come off as rude or dismissive.

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