Vorsprung Durch Technik – Meaning, Origin and Usage

Have you heard or seen the phrase 'vorsprung durch technik' somewhere and would like to know more about what it means? The saying is a common marketing slogan for a German car manufacturer, but the phrase has also become a pop culture sayng. This post unpacks the meaning and origin of the saying.


The phrase 'vorsprung durch technik' is a common German vehicle marketing slogan that is often referenced or used in English.

'Vorsprung durch technik' was first used as a vehicle advertisement, though became so popular that the phrase was amost instantly absorbed into popular culture from the 1970s forward.

When used, the phrase 'vorsprung durch technik' refers to a literal translation of the phrase that would mean 'progress through technique'.

The phrase can be either a literal reference to the marketing campaign used by Volkswagen, or it can be used to be another sarcastic or joking way for someone to say 'I know what I'm doing' to someone else.

The phrase is most common as a joking or sarcastic reference than it gets used as a serious phrase.

While the saying can be translated into English for use, the original German phrase is the most common although not everyone who uses the saying knows its direct translation.

Example Usage

“When he told me to mix the dough slower, I told him that I've been making the recipe for the past fifty fucking years. I know what I'm doing: vorsprung durch technik.”

“I know how to fix a car, I don't need my grandfather telling me which electronic nipple I'm supposed to tweak on my Tesla. Vorsprung durch technik.”

“If you don't know what you're doing, get out of my kitchen. Vorsprung durch technik.”

“Vosprung durch technik. If you don't know why you're here, you shouldn't be touching the red button on that there desk.”


According to most online language resources, the phrase 'vorsprung durch technik' is one that came from an advertising campaign ran in the early 1970s by Volkswagen.

The marketing campaign was launched abroad, though would become popular all over the world as a sarcastic and joking reference either to the company or to say that someone 'knows what they are doing'.

The phrase does not require translation to be understood, which is rare for phrases originating from other languages that are said in English.

Sometimes the English version of the saying can still be used, though the original German phrase is usually sufficient for most people who already know the phrase.

Since the origin of the saying as marketing campaign, it has continued as a saying into the modern century.

The saying 'vorsprung durch technik' appears to be equally common in American, UK and Australian English.

Phrases Similar to Vorsprung Durch Technik

  • N/a

Phrases Opposite to Vorsprung Durch Technik

  • N/a

What is the Correct Saying?

  • Vorsprung durch technik

Ways People May Say Vorsprung Durch Technik Incorrectly

There are several ways in which someone can misunderstand or misuse the phrase 'vorsprung durch technik' in conversation.

The most common way for the phrase to be misunderstood is for someone to misunderstand the serious or sarcastic meaning of the saying.

Someone can also completely misunderstand what the phrase means, and not understand that it is a common reference to a marketing slogan that has been adapted.

It is possible though not common to translate the phrase into English when using it.

Acceptable Ways to Phrase Vorsprung Durch Technik

There are several acceptable and common uses for the phrase 'vorsprung durch technik' in conversation, with the meaning usually either serious or sarcastic.

Someone who says 'vorsprung durch technik' could be making a reference to the advertising campaign, but it is more likely that they are using the phrase as a means to sarcastically or jokingly say that they know what they are doing – thus, that they know their technique.

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