5Head – Meaning, Origin and Usage

A lot of popular Twitch emotes stem from nuance happenings and situations during streams or in the streaming and gaming communities.

While you may have heard this term used in school to describe someone who has a large forehead, it is also a popular Twitch emote with a completely different meaning. This post unpacks the meaning and origin of this expression.


The 5Head emote is used by a stream viewer when a Twitch streamer says something intelligent or is savvy with his gameplay. For example, he may use a lesser-known combo to move or manipulate an item in a unique way.

It means that the streamer is very intelligent and innovative. The emote means that the streamer has a 'big brain' and, subsequently, a forehead so prominent that five fingers can fit on it.

The 5Head emote can also be used to mock a streamer's gaming mistakes or be used ironically, expressing that whatever is occurring in the stream is idiotic. For example, if a streamer makes a rookie slip-up while playing a game he should already be familiar with, the 5Head Twitch emote should be spammed relentlessly in the chat.

Using 5Head ironically means that the streamer is doing something that is the complete opposite of a big brain move. It is an edit on the similar 4Head emote. More information can be found in the video (here).

Example Usage

"That was such a 5Head moment."

"That was a 5Head play through."

"He made a 5Head move during that level."

"He's a 5Head for explaining those game mechanics so well."


The 5Head emote comes from a meme of a Twitch streamer named Cadburry. He is a famous League of Legends streamer. A previous emote, 4Head, depicts his head floating with a smile on his face. In the 5Head emote photo, his head has been enlarged dramatically more than the rest of his face, making it appear as though he has a larger brain than before and has gained intelligence.

The 5Head emote first emerged in 2018 and was available on the FrankerFaceZ Twitch extension. It spread quickly due to fans spamming it in the chats of their favorite streamers Cadburry, Canadian, and xQc to indicate that someone of superior intelligence was speaking. Followers of Cadburry have been known to popularize many emotes by spamming them in the chats of his Twitch streams.

Phrases Similar to 5Head

  • Big Brain
  • Smooth Brain
  • Wise Guy
  • Know-it-All
  • GigaBrain

Phrases Opposite to 5Head

  • Smooth Brain
  • Smol Brain
  • 3Head
  • MonkaGIGA
  • Sadge
  • PepeHands
  • MonkaW

What is the Correct Saying?

  • 5Head - meme spammed in the chat

Ways People May Incorrectly Say 5Head

Since the term 5Head can be used both literally and ironically, it may seem like the use is fair game and can be used in any situation, but this could not be further from the truth. Because the emote is so popular, it can easily be subject to being used in any situation, rather than just one that fits the nuance of the term in the community. Some ways that 5HEAD is used incorrectly are:

  • He's having a 5Head moment
  • He's a 5Head
  • She's a 5Head
  • Can you start being a 5Head?
  • That play was literally so smooth, 5Head.

Acceptable Ways to Phrase 5Head

  • 5Head meme spammed in the chat
  • Your favorite streamer is saying something intelligent *5Head*
  • *Your favorite streamer sounds like they're saying something intelligent, but it's actually pseudointellectual* 5Head
  • In response to a quick-thinking gameplay move* 5Head
  • *A popular streamer makes a funny or straightforward mistake in the game* Viewers spam 5Head in the chat.
  • That guy has a serious 5Head. No wonder it looks like his hairline is receding.

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