There are a lot of idioms and terms out there to choose from. Some may be easier to understand that others, but there are some that are also very unique. Deus Vult is one such phrase that is hard to forget, and also hard to use correctly. Circa 2016 social media memes reprised the Latin […]
About: Pearson
Posts by Pearson:
Deku – Meaning, Origin and Usage
Japanese TV has risen in popularity in recent years, as a result, so has many common phrases. Often you will hear someone refer to a person or event as deku, but without context it is easy to get confused. Have you ever wondered what "Deku" actually means? Have you ever watched a Japanese character of […]
Homie – Meaning, Origin and Usage
One of the most commonly used slang terms of the century happens to be one that means friendship. That’s right, we are taking a deep dive into just what it means when someone calls you their homie. This post unpacks the meaning and origin of this expression. Meaning The term homie is a slang term […]
Hoco – Meaning, Origin and Usage
An old saying states "home is where the heart is"; many people feel more at home when they are away from home. Do you know that feeling of arrive home after a long trip or perhaps after a very bad day? Maybe you have not visited your parents in a while and decide to drop […]
Heaux – Meaning, Origin and Usage
Are you looking for a cute term to call one of your friends who like to party? Maybe you know someone who is free with their affection? Perhaps you are looking for a not-so-polite way to inform someone that they are known for sleeping around? If so, heaux is a perfect phrase to use. heaux […]
Chooch – Meaning, Origin and Usage
We all have that one friend that acts silly or downright inappropriately. Whether it is willful ignorance or simply part of their nature, it can be difficult to find a term that suites them. If calling them “stupid” or “dumb” just doesn’t quite fit the extent of their actions then referring to them as a […]
Oye – Meaning, Origin and Usage
Are you trying to get your friends attention and don’t know quite what to say? Perhaps someone is on the other side of the room and you need to speak with them? Are you trying to make sure the person you’re talking to is listening? Throwing in an “oye” somewhere in that sentence will likely […]
Yuh – Meaning, Origin and Usage
Has your friend just asked you something, and you want to respond with “yeah”, but want to use a shorter word? Or do you, in general, want a cool, hip way to say “yeah”? If this is the case, “yuh” is for you. This post unpacks the meaning and origin of this expression. Meaning The […]
Chula – Meaning, Origin and Usage
Have you spent time in LA or just around Spanish people in general? If so, chances are you have heard the word chula tossed around more than once. The word "Chula" in a sentence has a different meaning than when you see it on its own. More than just knowing the meaning of a word, […]
LYK – Meaning, Origin and Usage
Do you have something you need to tell your friend, but you want to wait until later to do it? Are you trying to make plans with somebody but you’re not sure of your schedule, so you’ll have to tell them later? The term “LYK” may be the perfect thing for you to use. In […]