KEKW – Meaning, Origin and Usage

Have you ever visited a Twitch or Discord stream of your favorite gamer and seen a vague term 'KEKW' floating around in the chats or a picture of a laughing man with a mustache? Many memes pop up in online discussions, and the KEKW meme is one of the most viral. Learning the meaning of this emote and how to use it properly will come in handy while watching a stream! KEKW is a unique twist on laughter that can help you express to the chat how funny something is to you. This post unpacks the meaning and origin of this expression.


In simple terms, KEKW is a spelled-out emoticon known in the community as an emotes that means laughter. However, it doesn't just mean any old giggle or a light-hearted chuckle. Instead, KEKW expresses the type of laughter you experience when something is so funny that you can't even find the breath to speak anymore. It is the type of laughter you only experience around good friends. In real life, a similar term would be that you are laughing your ass off or rolling on the floor laughing.

The term became popular on Twitch's streaming platform and is appropriate to use when the streamer does/says something hilarious or something of the like happens during the stream. For example, typing KEKW in the chat or posting a viral photo of a laughing man with a mustache will let everyone know how you feel about the content you're watching. A gamer who has made a hilarious mistake or done something extremely funny would also be met with KEKW. More information can be found in the video (here).

Example Usage

"I haven't laughed this hard in years. KEKW."

"I literally can't believe he just did that. KEKW."

"I literally can't breathe right now. KEKW."

"I'm dying laughing. KEKW."

"That joke was so bad it actually had me doubled over on the floor laughing. KEKW."

"My friend won't believe this happened. KEKW."


The KEKW emote stems from a meme that went viral on Twitch in late 2019, depicting a laughing man with a mustache. This man was a Spanish comedian and actor named Juan Joya Borja. In an interview with Jesus Quintero on a show called Ratones Coloraos, he told a story about a funny incident that happened to him at work while he was working at a beachside restaurant. His contagious laughter could be felt worldwide even if you couldn't understand him.

In August of 2019, a user named Keesual uploaded it onto the FrankerFaceZ Twitch extension. From there, the meme quickly gained new popularity as an emote. Once it got into the hands of popular meme streamers, it spread like wildfire and became a permanent fixture in the community.

Phrases Similar to KEKW

  • LOL
  • LULW
  • LUL
  • KEKE
  • HEHE
  • ROFL

Phrases Opposite to KEKW

  • Sadge
  • PepeHands
  • Frowning face emoji
  • Upside-down face emoji
  • Press f to pay respects

What is the Correct Saying?

  • KEKW - with all capitals in the chat.

Ways People May Incorrectly Say KEKW

Because KEKW is an emote and meme focused widely in the Twitch community, people outside this community may accidentally misuse the term. Though it seems straightforward, there is always some nuance to Twitch emotes because they're used within a specific community for specific reasons. Some ways that KEKW is misused are:

  • That was so KEKW
  • I'm so sad today KEKW
  • Oh no, KEKW, are you okay?
  • Did you lose the game, KEKW?
  • That song was very KEKW.

Acceptable Ways to Phrase KEKW

  • KEKW, after anything hilarious happens
  • (Streamer fails a gaming mission) KEKW
  • KEKW KEKW KEKW (spammed in the chat)
  • (Spanish Laughing Guy meme)
  • If a streamer tells a joke that actually makes you laugh out loud instead of just breathing out through your nose. KEKW.
  • If a streamer makes a rookie mistake in a game that he plays all the time on stream. KEKW.


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