LBVS – Meaning, Origin and Usage

Do you find yourself laughing, rather inappropriately and perhaps nervously, at a tragic situation? Should you find the need to share what happened with a friend via text message or an app, you might use the abbreviation "LBVS".

This post explores what LBVS means and where it came from, as well as how to use it.


The internet abbreviation LBVS (sometimes in lowercase letters — lvbs) stands for "laughing but very serious". This abbreviation means that someone is laughing in a situation where doing so is considered inappropriate, but they nonetheless explain the seriousness of the situation.

The laughter can occur because the situation looked comedic, or as a coping mechanism.

Example Usage

The abbreviation LBVS can be used in an informal context. Let's take a look at some ways in which people may use LBVS, usually through messaging apps:

  • So we were out fishing when Uncle Roger got yeeted into the water by a big old sheep. He got soaked and has bruises all over. LBVS.
  • Grandma dropped her cellphone into the toilet and now it's broken. LBVS.
  • LBVS, My brother failed his exams and now he's got to do another year in high school.

As we can see, the abbreviation LBVS is usually added to the end of a message.


Like all other abbreviations that are exclusively used on the internet or via text message, LBVS arose to fill a need — modern internet users seek succinct ways to make themselves understood, and abbreviations are perfect for this.

LBVS was initially defined as meaning "laughing but very serious" on Urban Dictionary in 2010. The abbreviation remains much less known that other popular ways to refer to laughing (including "LOL", "XD", "LMAO", and "ROFL"), but it is currently picking up steam.

Almost everyone will be able to relate to the concept of laughing in a very serious situation. Even prior to an entire genre of YouTube videos, humorous TV shows in which people or animals get (slightly) hurt in funny ways were quite popular. Examples of situations that may call for a "LBVS" could include:

  • Someone doing daring stunts on a mountain bike and falling flat on their face.
  • Toddlers dropping their ice cream cones, first showing a shocked expression and then crying loudly after a few seconds.
  • A cat chasing another cat and falling off a kitchen cabinet, while the opponent looks on with a smug facial expression.

Abbreviations Similar to LBVS

A few similar abbreviations exist:

  • The abbreviation "LBS", which stands for "laughing but serious", is identical to LBVS but omits the "very".
  • The abbreviation "HHOS" means "haha, only serious".

Words Opposite to LBVS

While there are no abbreviations or words with a meaning that is directly opposite to LBVS, you can use "LOL" and related abbreviations like "LMAO" to indicate laughter or something being funny.

You could acknowledge that something is serious in modern internet speak by using "RIP" (for "rest in peace") or "F" (for "fail").

What Is the Correct Abbreviation?

The correct abbreviation is LBVS, meaning "laughing but very serious".

Ways People May Say LBVS Incorrectly

The meaning of the abbreviation LBVS will be clear enough to anyone reading this. It is important, however, to choose the right context. The use of LBVS should ideally be saved for people who understand what LBVS means and who will not be offended by your use of it.

Note that some people only use LBVS to convey they laughed about a very serious situation, while they would choose LBS ("laughing but serious") for slightly more lighthearted situations.

Acceptable Ways to Phrase LBVS

You can use the abbreviation LBVS to tell a close friend or understanding relative such as a sibling about a tragic or serious situation that was somehow funny or caused you to laugh.

Due to the potential for misunderstanding or offending someone, you would be advised to refrain from using LBVS in communications with someone you don't know very well, especially if the serious situation that provoked the laughter impacted them.

The abbreviation LBVS could be seen as somewhat taboo, given that you are admitting to seeing humor in something that is not typically meant to be funny.


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