LLS – Meaning, Origin and Usage

Do you know what “lls” stands for? No worries - you're not the only one. “lls” is a popular slang term frequently used online and in text messages. With texting, social media, and now even email abbreviations becoming the norm, it's hard to keep up with all of the lingo. This article traces the history and origin of this curious term and tells you how it's currently used. This post unpacks the meaning and origin of this expression.


So, what does “lls” mean? This expression is commonly used online for "laughing like shit." It's similar in meaning to other phrases that are used to describe laughter, such as "LOL" (laugh out loud), "ROFL" (rolling on the floor laughing), and "LMAO" (laughing my ass off).

“lls” is often used when something is funny - so funny that it warrants an extreme reaction like laughter. It can be used alone or in response to something someone has said or done. For example, if you see a hilarious meme, you might comment “lls” under it. Or, if someone tells a joke that cracks you up, you might reply, "lls!"

In addition to its literal meaning, “lls” can also be used sarcastically. In these cases, it's usually used to point out how ridiculous or stupid something is. In some cases, if someone posts a picture of themselves doing something foolish, you might write “lls” in the comments section. Or, if someone says something that you think is idiotic, you might reply “lls” to tell them that you think they're being ridiculous.

Example Usage

  • I was lls when I saw that picture of you in your Halloween costume!
  • Rod just cracked a joke, and I was lls!
  • Did you hear about what happened to Tim? I was lls when I found out.
  • You're so lls right now - stop it!
  • Did you see that meme? It had me lls all day!


The origin of “lls” is a bit unclear. It's possible that this term was created organically, without any specific person or event responsible for its creation. However, it's also possible that it was inspired by other expressions that describe laughter, such as "LOL." Whatever the case, “lls” has been used online since at least 2007.

Currently, “lls” is used frequently on social media platforms like Twitter and Instagram. It's also commonly used in text messages and online chat rooms.

Phrases Similar to LLS

  • "LOL," which means "laughing out loud."
  • "ROFL," which means "rolling around on the floor in laughter."
  • "LMAO," which means "laughing my ass off."
  • "LMHO," which means "Laughing My Head Off."

Phrases opposite to LLS

  • "SMH," which means "shaking my head."
  • "WTF," which means "what the f**k?"
  • "NC," which means "no comment."
  • "SMFH," which means "shaking my flippin' head."
  • "IDK," which means "I don't know."
  • "RUSOS," which means "are you serious?" or "Are you stupid or something?"

What is The Correct Saying?

“lls!” – “laughing like shit!”

  • You can use “lls” when you think something is amusing or trying to lighten the mood.
  • It can also be used sarcastically to show that you don't think something is funny. In this case, it's often followed by a rolling eyes emoji to emphasize the point.

Ways People May Incorrectly Say LLS

There are a few different ways in which people may incorrectly say lls. One way is to mistakenly believe it stands for "lots of love, sweetie" or another variant. People may use the term in contexts where it doesn't make sense. Another way people may incorrectly say lls is to think it is an acronym for something else when it isn't.

Acceptable Ways to Phrase LLS

In general, “lls” is considered a more lighthearted way of saying "LOL." It can be used in both serious and joking contexts. However, if you want to convey that something is funny, you might want to use a different expression, such as "ROFL" or "LMAO."

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