SMDH – Meaning, Origin and Usage

Not sure what to say when you just don’t understand why someone did something? That’s is a perfect time to use the idiom SMDH. Using this abbreviation will allow you to answer texts that you otherwise aren’t really sure how to respond. Not only can you avoid a lengthy response, you can also get your point across efficiently.This post unpacks the meaning and origin of this expression.


So what does SMDH mean? Simply put, it stands for Shaking My Damn Head, and it can be used in just about any situation. The term is primarily used in text or instant messaging but can also be found in some blog posts and all across social media platforms.

Now, this abbreviation may have other, not-so-appropriate meanings. Still, it is generally used for the above when someone disapproves of something that has happened or has been said. It can be used to respond to a situation your friend got themselves into and now isn’t sure how to get out of. It can be a funny remark that makes your friends chuckle or a conversation ender when you don’t have anything else to say.

Example Usage

“She wore that! SMDH”.

“Smdh at all the craziness that is going on in the world”.


So, how did this abbreviation come about? While many texting abbreviations we have today come from the early 2000s, when phones were just beginning and texting needed to be quick and to the point, this term became popular through the social media platforms of its time. In the peaks of Instagram and Twitter, this term began to spread as people made posts about things they just couldn’t wrap their heads around happening. This term has been used countless times on many different platforms and brings a lighter, funnier reaction to people's posts.

Phrases Similar to SMDH

  • LMAS which stands for Laughing My Ass Off
  • SMH which stands for Scratching My Head
  • SMH which can also simply stand for Shaking My Head
  • OFC which stands for Of Course
  • 4COL which stands for For Crying Out Loud

Phrases opposite to SMDH

  • AISB which stands for As It Should Be
  • GJ which stands for Good Job
  • LIT which stands for either really good, or something really exciting

What is The Correct Saying?

  • Did you hear what they did? SMDH
  • That guy is so crazy SMDH
  • The senior prank this year was out of control SMDH
  • Our boss needs to calm down SMDH

Ways People May Incorrectly Say SMDH

While this term might seem to have a positive feeling as it can be used as a comedic response, it is mainly used to show disapproval of something. Many people may misuse this term by using it as a positive expression or to try and show approval, which is not the way it should be used.

When using this term, you should be trying to say, "yes, this is a weird and funny situation, but I don't approve," or "This is crazy, I really don't approve." This abbreviation could also have a very different meaning to it, so it is important to use it appropriately. For example, if you use it like so, "You are looking really good tonight, SMDH," the abbreviation may not be taken as a funny, flirty ending to a compliment, but more so as a creepy gesture that you are trying to explain through a messaging app.

Acceptable Ways to Phrase SMDH

  • I am smdh at how beautiful that car is.
  • When I saw what she posted, I was just smdh in confusion.
  • Smdh, why do people have to act so ignorant?
  • That makes no sense, smdh.
  • What made him decide to drink all of that milk and eat a whole pizza? Smdh at the logic.

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