Too Much of a Good Thing – Meaning, Origin and Usage

Did your mom say eating ice cream every day is having ‘too much of a good thing?’ This post unpacks the meaning and origin of this expression.


The expression ‘too much of a good thing' means you get diminishing results from consuming or practicing anything in life. You might enjoy eating ice cream every day, but it’s going to show on your waistline.

‘Too much of a good thing’ means something can yield adverse results to what you expect if you overdo it. It also refers to the hazards involved with taking behavior to excess. Anything in excess will deliver negative results. If something is ‘too much of a good thing,’ you need to back off on using it in your life.

Example Usage

"I want to believe this is good for my health, but too much of a good thing will have negative consequences. I just know it."

"Sure, you can have too much of a good thing. Cold Stone ice cream tastes great, but it's going to make you fat if you eat too much of it."

"Too much of a good thing always leads to bad results. Just look at anyone that overeats. They end up fat and out of shape."

"Can we really have too much of a good thing? I mean, if it's good for you, how can there be any negative result?"

"My mom told me I can have too much of a good thing. Does that mean we have to cut down on the trips to Mcdonald's after school?"

"I enjoy a drink after work, but you can have too much of a good thing and end up so drunk it draws happiness from the following day."

"I love this chocolate mousse, but you can have too much of a good thing. I better put the spoon down now before my waistline blows up."

"I understand that you like exercising, but too much of a good thing can end up hurting you. That's why your body is struggling to recover."

"I love you, girl. But I think I'm getting too much of a good thing here. You belong to the streets and don't deserve to be my full-time girlfriend."


The expression ‘too much of a good thing’ originates from the late 15th century. The first use of the term is in William Shakespeare’s play, ‘As You Like It,’ performed in 1600.

“Why then, can one desire too much of a good thing?

Come, sister, you shall be the priest and marry us.

Give me your hand, Orlando. What do you say, sister?”

The expression maintained its original meaning over the centuries and is a popular saying in modern culture.

Phrases Similar to Too Much of a Good Thing

  • Overkill.
  • Overindulgence isn’t a good thing.

Phrases Opposite to Too Much of a Good Thing

  • Too little, too late.

What is the Correct Saying?

  • Too much of a good thing.

Ways People May Say Too Much of a Good Thing Incorrectly

The expression 'too much of a good thing' refers to actions that could eventually yield diminishing returns. Using it to describe how too much of a good thing is beneficial to you or someone else is incorrect.

Acceptable Ways to Phrase Too Much of a Good Thing

You can use the expression 'too much of a good thing' when trying to tell someone to slow down in their behavior towards someone or something. The phrase suits social and professional use. For instance, you could use it at work to describe how relying on the CRM for your sales leads makes you soft and less prone to implementing a cold calling strategy.

You could use the expression at home to tell your partner that eating too much ice cream will make them lose their physique. The phrase suits text-based communications and verbal exchanges. If you use 'too much of a good thing,' it's a warning to yourself or others to examine your behavior.

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