Are you raging about losing a game online? Don’t be surprised if someone posts ‘touch grass’ in the chat, but what does it mean? This post unpacks the meaning and origin of this expression. Meaning The expression ‘touch grass’ means to go outside and touch grass. You can use your hands to touch the grass […]
About: Pearson
Posts by Pearson:
To Shreds, You Say? – Meaning, Origin and Usage
If you'd like to employ hyperbole or irony as you reply to someone who says they had a bad day, or something went very wrong for them, you could say "To Shreds, You Say?" — but typically only if you know that the person you are talking to understands the context. Did someone give you […]
There's a Snake in My Boot – Meaning, Origin and Usage
Have you heard someone say that "there's a snake in my boot"? You're in for an exciting ride — the meaning of this phrase can, depending on the context, range from incredibly wholesome to... much less so. Join us for a deeper exploration of the meaning and origins of this saying to decide whether you're […]
The Sky’s the Limit – Meaning, Origin and Usage
Did someone tell you the sky’s the limit after you asked them what’s possible with the price of Bitcoin? This post unpacks the meaning and origin of this expression. Meaning ‘The sky’s the limit’ means that there is no limit. It’s a way of saying that you have untapped, limitless potential. The phrase can refer […]
The Pen is Mightier than the Sword – Meaning, Origin and Usage
Did someone tell you that ‘the pen is mightier than the sword?’ How is that possible? A sword is a far better weapon than a pen, right? This post unpacks the meaning and origin of this expression. Meaning The proverbial expression ‘the pen is mightier than the sword’ means mass appeal has more power than […]
Such is Life – Meaning, Origin and Usage
Did you deliver bad news to someone? If they respond with ‘such is life,’ they probably don’t find it surprising. This post unpacks the meaning and origin of this expression. Meaning The expression ‘such is life’ means to accept the unpredictable misfortune of existence. Typically, people will use the phrase with weary resignation, as if […]
STG – Meaning, Origin and Usage
Did you receive a text from a friend with 'STG' in the message? Do you know what it stands for? This post unpacks the meaning and origin of this expression. Meaning The acronym 'STG' means 'Swear To God.' It's a common abbreviation used in text message conversations. If you type STG in a text message […]
Soul Ties – Meaning, Origin and Usage
Did you get a message from your partner telling you they think you are their soul tie? This post unpacks the meaning and origin of this expression. Meaning The expression ‘soul ties’ means that you’re spiritually and emotionally bound to your partner. It means that you can’t be without them and you feel lost without […]
Soda Tab – Meaning, Origin and Usage
Did someone just give you a ‘soda tab’ with the center intact? What are they doing, and what does it mean? This post unpacks everything you need to know about this viral TikTok trend. Meaning The soda tab trend on TikTok has several meanings, based on the configuration of the tab on presentation to the […]
Sneaky Link – Meaning, Origin and Usage
Did someone message you on TikTok asking if you want to be their ‘sneaky link?’ What are they asking you to do? Send them a file? This post unpacks the meaning and origin of this viral expression. Meaning The meaning of the expression ‘sneaky link’ refers to the viral video trend on TikTok. Users will […]