Posts by Pearson:

TPWK – Meaning, Origin and Usage

Are you in a chat, and someone says something mean to you? You could reply with ‘tpwk’ to tell them to be nice rather than nasty. This post unpacks the meaning and origin of this expression. Meaning The acronym ‘tpwk’ stands for ‘Treat People with Kindness.’ It’s an acronym created by the pop artist Harry […]

Woohoo – Meaning, Origin and Usage

Did you hear a colleague at work exclaim ‘woohoo’ after putting down the phone? Maybe they closed a big deal and feel they need to celebrate? This post unpacks the meaning and origin of this expression. Meaning The expression ‘woohoo!’ is a reactionary statement of exuberance, excitement, and happiness. Typically, you’ll use ‘woohoo’ after receiving […]

TMR – Meaning, Origin and Usage

Do you need to text a friend ad tell them you’ll meet them tomorrow? You could use the text abbreviation ‘tmr’ to save some typing time. This post unpacks the meaning and origin of this expression. Meaning The term ‘tmr’ is a text-based abbreviation for ‘tomorrow.’ There are several ways to abbreviate ‘tomorrow’ in text […]

Smol – Meaning, Origin and Usage

Are you looking for a word to describe something small and adorable? You could say it’s ‘smol.’ This post unpacks the meaning and origin of this expression. Meaning The expression ‘smol’ means something tiny and cute. It describes that feeling you get when you see something small and vulnerable, like a newborn puppy, and you […]

OMM – Meaning, Origin and Usage

Did your friend just text you 'omm' after trying to convince you of their innocence? This post unpacks the meaning and origin of this expression. Meaning The text-based acronym 'omm' means 'on my momma.' It's a short version of 'on my momma's life' and means that you want someone to believe your claim or the […]